Content Posted in 2014
SPRINT Trip Reflections (Original Title Unavailable)
SPU Library Annual Report 2013-2014, Michael Paulus Jr.
SPU Student Art Show: Winter 2008
SPU Visual Communications Senior Show: Spring 2008
Stages of Faith, James Fowler
Standing in Grace, Stepping Out in Love (Original Title Unavailable), Tim Dearborn
Standing in the Gap (Original Title Unavailable), James Hudson Taylor III
Starting Out (Part 1 of 5), Dave Roper
State of the University: 1984-1985, David C. Le Shana
State of the University: 1985-1986, David C. Le Shana
State of the University: 1986-1987, David C. Le Shana
State of the University: 1989-1990, David C. Le Shana
State of the University: 1990-1991, "Turning 100" (Original Title Unavailable), Curtis A. Martin
State of the University: 1991-1992, Curtis A. Martin
State of the University: 1992-1993, Curtis A. Martin
State of the University: 1993-1994, Curtis A. Martin
State of the University: 1994-1995, E. Arthur Self
State of the University: 1995-1996, Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 1996-1997, Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 1997-1998, Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2001-2002, Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2002-2003, Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2004-2005, "Without a Moment's Delay", Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2006-2007, "It's Like Your First Sip of the Morning Latte", Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2007-2008, "Becoming a People of Promise", Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2008-2009, "A Strategy for Strength", Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2009-2010, Philip W. Eaton
State of the University: 2010-2011, Philip W. Eaton
Staying Alive: Discovering the Art of Discernment, Colin Greene
Step Out, Tony Campolo
Stepping into the Future: Affirming the Future (Part 3 of 3), James Earl Massey
Stepping into the Future: Faith and Your Future (Part 1 of 3), James Earl Massey
Stepping into the Future: Maturing and Finding Meaning (Part 2 of 3), James Earl Massey
Steve Fowl Lecture, Steve Fowl
St. Mark: The Basic Text for Christian Spirituality, Eugene Peterson
Stopping Along the Way, Cal Campbell
Stories of Faith and Public Service, Norm Maleng
Stories of Intentional Community: A Panel Discussion, Mary DeJong, Laura Partridge, Jamie E., and Mike McCormick Huentelman
Story Making: The Pain Story (Part 3 of 3), Eugene Peterson
Story Making: The Prayer Story (Part 1 of 3), Eugene Peterson
Story Making: The Worship Story (Part 2 of 3), Eugene Peterson
Straight from the Heart, David C. Le Shana
Struggles with Substance Abuse (Original Title Unavailable), Tom Kidd
Student exiting Weter Memorial Library, circa 1963, Seattle Pacific College
Student Handbook 1938-1939, Seattle Pacific College
Student Safety on the SPU Campus, Cheryl Michaels and Vic Peirsol
Students and Faculty, 1907, Seattle Seminary
Students and Faculty, 1911, Seattle Seminary
Students and Faculty in front of Red Brick Building, 1897, Seattle Seminary
Students Change the World, Alec Hill
Students Take a Walk on the Wild Side, Sarah Cupery
Student Success Does Not Arise By Chance, Vincent Tinto
Succeeding in Prayer (Part 3 of 3), Kent Hughes
Succeeding in Remembering (Part 2 of 3), Kent Hughes
Succeeding in Trusting Christ (Part 1 of 3), Kent Hughes
Success Isn't Enough (Original Title Unavailable), Alec Hill
Sue Thomas: My Life Story (Part 1 of 3) (Original Title Unavailable), Sue Thomas
Sue Thomas: My Life Story (Part 2 of 3) (Original Title Unavailable), Sue Thomas
Sue Thomas: My Life Story (Part 3 of 3) (Original Title Unavailable), Sue Thomas
Suffering and the Psalms, Frank Spina
Suffering in the Christian Life, Mark Talbot
Summer SPRINT: God's Love in Action (Original Title Unavailable)
Surprised by Glory (Part 3 of 4), James Earl Massey
Swallowing Camels, Curtis A. Martin
Symposium on John Calvin, Mike Langford, Bo Lim, Jeff Keuss, and Matthew Koenig
Systems: Exploitation & Oppression vs. Justice & Equality, Richard Twiss
Tackling the Truth, Norman Evans
Take Ten Twice Again, David L. McKenna
Take Up Your Weapons (Part 5 of 5), Chris Lyons
Take Your Stand (Part 3 of 5), Chris Lyons
Taking a Year Off: Pros & Cons
Taking Jesus Seriously (Part 1 of 4), James Earl Massey
Taking Off My Coat (Original Title Unavailable), Dwight Van Winkle
Taking Up Darwin In His Own Time: Church and Culture, Christine Chaney and Jeff Keuss
Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution, Jeff Keuss
Talking About Tamar, Mary Stewart vanLeeuwn
Teaching at the Temple: Mark 11:1-13:37, Caenisha Warren
Team Teaching, Paul Yost and Joey Collins
Technology and Power, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
Technology In Service of Mission: A Practitioner's View
Technology Supporting Bible Translation
Telling the Knowing, Eugene Lemcio
Tell It to the Generation Following, Richard Nishioka
Tent City 3 Question and Answer Session, Jeff Jordan
Terror and Sublimity in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis, Thomas T. Howard
Testimonies and Un-Testimonies, Hannah Notess
Testimonies from a Seahawk (Original Title Unavailable), Todd Peterson
Testimonies of God's Faithfulness, Nelson Tomas, Ruth Kuhnau, and Rick Steele
Testimonies of God's Goodness (Original Title Unavailable)
Thanksgiving: 1990-1991, Mark Abbott
Thanksgiving: 1992-1993, "Contentment in an Age of Expectation" (Original Title Unavailable), Mark Abbott
Thanksgiving: 1993-1994 (Original Title Unavailable)
Thanksgiving: 1997-1998, "Testimonies of God's Faithfulness" (Original Title Unavailable), Doug Taylor and Lucy Guernsey
Thanksgiving: 1999-2000, "My Testimony of Hardship and Thanks" (Original Title Unavailable)
Thanksgiving: 2003-2004, "Despite the Outcome, Give Thanks", Joshua Paget and Sharon Hartnett
Thanksgiving: A Hope for Healing (Original Title Unavailable), David C. Le Shana
Thanksgiving: An Attitude of Gratitude, Steve Hoke
Thanksgiving and the Guardians of Peace, Tim Dearborn and Susan VanZanten
Thanksgiving Chapel, Seattle Pacific University
Thanksgiving Chapel: Sharing Our Stories
Thanksgiving Chapel: Sharing Our Stories, Greg Johnson, Kristen Ross, and Stephen Newby
Thanksgiving Gathering: Sharing Our Stories of Thanks, Ryan Brown, John Orton, Jeff Keuss, and Catherine Seguin
Thanksgiving Gathering: Sharing Our Stories of Thanks, Rebecca Webb, George Scranton, and Kim Proctor
Thanksgiving: Joy in God's Hand (Original Title Unavailable)
Thanksgiving Service: 1994-1995, "How Shall I Repay the Lord?", Mark Abbott
Thanksgiving Service: The Thankful Disciple, Steve Hoke
Thanksgiving: Thank God for Jesus, Curtis A. Martin
That We May Marvel, Tami Anderson Englehorn
That Which Defines Us, Controls Us, Constance Rhodes
The 12 Apostles of Illness (Part 2 of 3), Donald Demaray
The 2008 Perkins Event Lecture, John M. Perkins and Howard Jones
The Action of Mercy, Todd Rendleman
The Adventure of Living (Original Title Unavailable), Randy Shad, Marsha Horten, and Greg Glen
The African American Past (Original Title Unavailable), Sam McKinney
The Ah-ha Experience, Frank Spina
The Alethepian Literary Society, 1911, Seattle Seminary
The Alternatives to Attica, Robert F. Utter
The Alternative World of the Psalms, Walter Brueggemann
The Answer Is 42, Madeleine L'Engle
The Apocalypse of Our Collections, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
The Apprentice's New Clothes, Greg Jones
The Arts of Holy Living: Wesley, Holiness, and the Means of Grace, Rebeka Miles
The Autobiography of God (Part 1 of 4), Lloyd Ogilvie
The Autobiography of God (Part 2 of 4), Lloyd Ogilvie
The Autobiography of God (Part 3 of 4), Lloyd Ogilvie
The Autobiography of God (Part 4 of 4), Lloyd Ogilvie
The Beatles (Original Title Unavailable), Brandon Hunter
The Beginning of the Good News: Mark 1:1-4:34, Laura Sweat
The Believer, a Person of the Presence, Gordon Fee
The Bible and the Christian Imagination, N.T. Wright
The Bible Comes Alive, Ken Taylor
The Bible's Message in an Age of Diversity, Curtiss DeYoung
The Bible's Proof, David Foster
The Book of Genesis, Week 5, Bo Lim
The Book of Psalms, Week 1, Celeste Cranston
The Book of Psalms, Week 2, Bob Zurinsky
The Book of Psalms, Week 3, Sara Koenig
The Butterfly Effect, Rick Lindroth
The Calling of the Church (Part 1 of 4), Robert Traina
The Call of Commitment (Part 1 of 5), Will Ackles
The Call of God on My Life, John M. Perkins
The Call of the Holy Spirit (Part 1 of 4), Sam Kamaleson
The Campaign Against Jesus (Part 4 of 4), James Earl Massey
The Campaign for SPU: Closing Gala, Philip W. Eaton
The Case of Vaccine Refusal: Medical Science, Parental Conviction, Child Welfare, and Community Good, Douglas Diekema
The Cause of Spiritual Stupidity, Sean Hudspeth
The Celebration of New Things, David C. Le Shana
The Celebration of Old Things, David C. Le Shana
The Celebration of Service, Laverne Blauers
The Centrality of Christ (Part 1 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), Ray Ortlund and Anne Ortlund
The Challenge of Leadership, Tom Skinner
The Chemicals Pour Forth Speech: Teaching Origins with a Biogeochemical Narrative (II-D4), Ben McFarland
The Christian and Sexuality (Part 1 of 3), John H. Scanzoni
The Christian Approach to Marriage (Part 2 of 3), John H. Scanzoni
The Christian as Scholar, James Sire
The Christian Challenge in the Post-Modern World, N.T. Wright
The Christian College and the World, Ron Palmer
The Christian Colony (Part 2 of 3), William Willimon
The Christian Community Laboratory
The Christian: God's Alternative to Contemporary Culture (Original Title Unavailable), Gordon Fee
The Christian in a Post-Christian World (Part 3 of 3), William Willimon
The Christian in the Marketplace, Norman Gidney
The Christian Mind: Freedom, David L. McKenna
The Christian Origins of Modern Science, Peter Hodgson
The Church, a People of the Presence, Gordon Fee
The Church's Witness of Reconciliation in the Twenty-First Century, Ephraim Radner
The Church, The University and Moral Discourse, James Gustafson
The Civil Rights Movement in the Falcon (Original Title Unavailable), Alissa Walter
The Commission, David L. McKenna
The Communicating Community (Part 2 of 4), Sam Kamaleson
The Communion of Saints: A Conversation with the Grateful Dead, Alberto Ferreiro
The Community of the King, Howard Snyder
The Community of the King, Dolphus Weary
The Concept of the Christian University, David L. McKenna
The Consolations and Desolations of Academic Integrity (Part 4 of 5), Patrick McDonald
The Consuming Fire, Sean Hudspeth
The Controlled Tongue (Part 4 of 5), Will Ackles
The Coronation Jesus Received (Part 5 of 5), Mark Abbott
The Cost of Discipleship, Barry Wood
The Cost of Perfection, Dave Rohrer
The Creative Holiness (Part 4 of 4), Sam Kamaleson
The Creator's Purpose (Part 1 of 5, Original Title Unavailable), Steve Hayner
The Cross of Christ, Festo Kevengene
The Cross of Christ, Paul Toms
The Cross of Discipleship: Mark 8:22-10:52, Robert Jeffery
The Crucified King Resurrected: Mark 16:1-8, Bonnie Brann
The Cry of Mystery (Part 2 of 3), Bruce Thielmann
The Dead Sea Scrolls: Uncovering Their Secrets, Martin G. Abegg Jr., Daniel K. Falk, Rob Kugler, and John R. Levison
The Death Jesus Endured (Part 4 of 5), Mark Abbott
The Democratization of Spirituality, Patricia Ward
The Devoted Life: Rejoicing and Restoring (Part 2 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Rick Vestnys
The Devoted Life: What Can We Give to God? (Part 1 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Rick Vestnys
The Dilemma of Captivity (Part 1 of 3), Richard Dahlstrom
The Disciple Anticipates, David C. Le Shana
The Discipline of Jesus (Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
The Drama of God's Word, Marta Bennett
The Drums of God, Robert Fine
The Dynamic of Difference, Mark Abbott
The Ecumenical Halfway House: A Risky Place to Live (Part 3 of 4), Martin E. Marty
The Education of a Christian Liberal Arts President, Dennis Kinlaw
The Effects of Reflective Assessment on Student Achievement, John B. Bond
The Eloi, Sean Hudspeth
The Emeriti Program: Already Retired
The Emeriti Program: Still Working?
The Enabling Comforter (Part 3 of 4), Sam Kamaleson
The Engedi System: An Alarm Clock for Modern Living, Jon Battershell, Nate Dupuis, Jordan Wirth, and Brad Rogers
The Episcopal Branch, Robert Cochrane
The Ethics of Spirituality, Bill Pannell
The Eucharist - The Summit and Source of Our Faith, Alberto Ferreiro
The Extra Ingredient: Sharing the Cost, the Joy, and the Challenge of Serving Christ in the Urban World, Jerry Valadade
The Exultation Jesus Owned (Part 1 of 5), Mark Abbott
The Faithfulness of Hannah, Frank Spina
The Falcon in the 60's (Original Title Unavailable), Andy Scott
The Farmington Plan: An Informative Study, George E. McDonough
The Forgiving Will (Part 3 of 5), Will Ackles
The Four Acts of Prayer (Part 2 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), Ray Ortlund and Anne Ortlund
The Freedom to Choose (Part 2 of 3, Original Title Unavailable), Garry Friesen
The Friendship Between Science and Religion, John Polkinghome
The Fullness of God, David C. Le Shana
The Future of Our Worship, Stephen Newby
The Future of the Bible in an Age of Bible Illiteracy, Ben Witherington
The Future of the Homemaker, Anne Bowen Follis
The General Epistles and Work, Theology of Work Project, Kelly Liebengood, and Al Erisman
"The Genesis of Jesus" Matthew 1:1-4:17, Dave Nienhuis
The Geographical Will of God, Keith Phillips
The Gift of Comfort (Part 3 of 5), Shelley Chapin
The Gift of Compassion (Part 2 of 5), Shelley Chapin
The Gift of Joy (Part 1 of 5), Shelley Chapin
The Gift of Sight (Part 4 of 5), Shelley Chapin
The Gift of Wholeness (Part 5 of 5), Shelley Chapin
The Gifts God Gave You: Serving God Through Your Work (Original Title Unavailable), Kelly Lunda
The Global Food System and India: Food Security vs. Food Sovereignty, Kevin Neuhouser
The Global Impact of Infectious Disease: What Can You Do?, Derek Wood and Cindy Bishop
The God of History and Mystery, Rob Wall
The God Who Goes Before Us, David L. McKenna
The "Good Life" vs. the "Least of These" (Original Title Unavailable), Gordon Aeschliman
The Good News About Fall Prevention
The Good Ship Evangelism, Norman Geischer
The Goodwill Games, Steve Hall and Jeff Kemp
The Gospel According to Job, Evan Gibson
The Gospel According to Judas, Ray Anderson
The Gospel and Homelessness, David Leong and Jeff Keuss
The Gospel as Threat, Richard Dahlstrom and Rod Stiling
"The Gospel for Both Jews and Gentiles" Romans 1-3, Daniel Castelo
The Gospel of Jesus, More Like Marriage, Less Like Formula, Donald Miller
The Gospel of John, Seattle Pacific University
The Gospel of the Poor, Keith Phillips
The Gospel, the Church, and Its Mission, John M. Perkins
The Grace of Daily Obligation, Greg Jones
The Grace of God: Ephesians 2 (Original Title Unavailable), Tim Dearborn
The Grand Plan for Supernatural Living (Part 1 of 3), Larry Poland
The Great Commission or The Great Commandment?, Richard Dahlstrom and Rod Stiling
The Great Madison Avenue Ripoff, James Engel
The Great Reconciliation (Part 2 of 4), Robert Traina
The Green Awakening North American Tour, Ben Lowe and Anna Jane Joyner
The Groaning of Creation, Shane Claiborne
The Ground of Our Hope, Gordon Fee
The Hallelujah Chorus (Part 2 of 4), Chris Lyons
The Hand of Myron Eells in the History of the Pacific Northwest, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
The Hard Road to Faith on the Reservation (Original Title Unavailable), Janet Blumberg
The Heartbeat of Our City, Rita Nussli
The Heart of a Worshipper, Stephen Newby
The Heart of Jesus, David L. McKenna
The Heroic Act of Responding to God's Call, Jeff Keuss
The High Price of Being Equipped for Ministry, James Garlow
The High Priority of Endurance, David C. Le Shana
The Historical Context of Gospel Music, Stephen Newby, Kelle Nelson Brown, Cora Jackson, and Huron Breaux II
The History of the Crawford Music Building, Harold Crawford
The Holy Spirit in Our Lives (Original Title Unavailable), David Foster
The Horror of Crucifixion; The Gift of Jesus (Original Title Unavailable), Jennie Osmer
The Horse or the Gospel, Stanley Heath
The Humanity Jesus Experienced (Part 3 of 5), Mark Abbott
The Idea of a Christian College, Daniel Berg
The Image of God, Paul Brand
The Impact of Impression Management Over Time, Mark Bolino, Anthony Klotz, and Denise Daniels
The Importance of Contemplative Prayer (Original Title Unavailable), Doug Thorpe and Bruce Murphy
The Importance of Holding On (Original Title Unavailable), Mike Gaffney
The Information Revolution (Part 2 of 2), David L. McKenna
The Integration of Faith and Professional Practice, Matthew Thomas
The Integrity of Confession (Part 2 of 4, Original Title Unavailable), Myron Ausberger
The Journey of Faith, Cabell Tennis
The Journey of Faith, Earl Palmer
The Journey of Musical Failure from Julliard to the Inner City, Jim Correnti
The Journey of Trials (Part 1 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Don McCullough
The Journey Towards Wholeness, Bud Austin
The Joy of Saying "No" (Original Title Unavailable), David C. Le Shana
The Keys to Addressing Problems (Original Title Unknown), Myron Boyd
The King Betrayed and Killed: Mark 14:1 - 15:47, Matt Thomas and Sue Sanem
The Kingdom Come, Rob Wall
The Kingdom in Latin America, John Stam
The Kingdom in the City, Keith Phillips
The Kingdom or the Kingdome?, Ed Smyth
The Kingdom Strikes Back, Stephen Rutana
The King Journeys to His Cross: Mark 10:32 - 13:37, Jason Groenink and Tatiana Mendakova
The King Teaches about His Kingdom: Mark 7:1 - 10:31, Celeste Cranston and Jayne Ross
The Land Had Rest, Julie Kae Sigars
The Language of Worship (Part 2 of 5), Peter Guilquist
The Library as Place—Really Early in the Morning, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
The Library Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Culture, Collection, and Community, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
The Lincoln/Douglas Debate, Shannon Scott
The Little Ones of God, Rob Wall
The Lone Ranger Syndrome, Bud Palmburg
The Lord of my Life (Part 1 of 3), Leroy Eims
The Lord of the Rings as a Defense of Western Civilization (Part 1 of 4), John G. West
The Lord's Fast (Original Title Unavailable), Dougg Greg
The Lord Will Keep You From All Harm, Patrick McDonald
The Making of a Saint (Part 3 of 3), C.L. Bence
The Man I Love, Wayne Johnson
The Many Modern Faces of Jesus, Ben Witherington
The Masks of God (Original Title Unavailable), Meyer
The Meaning of a Christian College Community (Senior Preview; Original Title Unavailable), Matthew Koenig
The Meaning of Compassion and Non-Violence, Virginia Ward
The Meaning of Easter (Original Title Unavailable), Bonnie Brann
The Meaning of Sacrifice, Harry Brandt
The Meaning of the Church's Love: A Scriptural Phenomenology of the Church, Ephraim Radner
The Meaning of the Kingdom, John McCullough
The Message of Love in a World at War: Making the Message Relevant, Eugene Peterson
The Methodist Branch, Larry Shelton and Daniel Berg
The Micah Challenge, Brian Swarts
The Mind of Jesus, David L. McKenna
The Mindset of Cross-Cultural Ministry (Original Title Unavailable, Part 1 of 2), Alex Gee
The Ministry of Water, Ray Anderson
The Mission of Reconciliation (Part 3 of 3), Myron Augsberger
The Modern Christian: Of The World, But Not In It? (Original Title Unavailable), John Fischer
The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent in Our Work, Skip Li
The Multiethnic Church as a Reflection of God's Image: A Focus on Reconciliation in a Local Congregation, Jodi C. Gatlin
The Music Package (Original Title Unavailable), Bethany Walrad
The Myth About Morality, E. David Cook
The Name of the Dragon, Chuck Renz and Barb Gana
The Nature of Worship (Part 1 of 5), Peter Guilquist
The Need for Reconciliation (Original Title Unavailable), Rick Danner
The New Age Movement (Original Title Unavailable), Ruth Tucker
The New Cosmology: Theistic Implications, Stephen Meyer
The New Creation: The Wesleyan Distinctive (Part 2 of 3), Theodore Runyon
The New Life (Part 4 of 4), Robert Traina
The New Walk and the Talk, Rob Wall
The New Year, Jack Taylor
The New You, Ed Smyth
The Next Evangelicalism in a World of "Tiger Moms" and "Deadly Vipers", Soong-Chan Rah
The Next Generation of Private Education, David L. McKenna
Then I Saw A Beast: Revelation 12:1 - 16:21, Brian Bantum
Then I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: Revelation 19:11 - 22:5, Suzanne Wolfe
The Notions of Success (Original Title Unavailable), Dan Berg
Theology and Disability: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Amos Young
Theology and Economics in Creative Partnership: Toward a Fully Thriving Society, Bob Doll
Theology of Wild: Stewardship of Nature, Peter Illyn
Theology of Work: My Grace Is Sufficient for You, Steve Bell
The Olympiad, Seattle Seminary
The One Who Gives Freedom (Original Title Unavailable), Kristine Ostrem
The Opportunity to Choose (Original Title Unavailable), Rebecca Neth
Theory and Research in Reflective Self-Assessment, Art Ellis
The Other Face of God (Part 2 of 2), Art Beals
The Pain Was In Tents, Cliff McCrath
The Party is Over (Part 1 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Tom Sine
The Passions and the Passion (Part 1 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Rick Steele
The Passions and the Passion (Part 2 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Rick Steele
The Pastoral Epistles and Work, Theology of Work Project and Alex Kirk
The Penetrating Life (Part 2 of 5), Will Ackles
The Perils of Success, Curtis A. Martin
The Place of Spirituality in the Modern World, Richard Twiss
The Place of the Just War, Kathleen Braden
The Politics of Prudence: Character, Reed Davis
The Porch of Religion: Repentance (Part 1 of 3), Albert Outler
The Position of Fathers (Original Title Unavailable), Ken Canfield
The Power of Believers (Original Title Unavailable, Part 3 of 3), Barbara Skinner
The Power of Parables (Original Title Unavailable), Patty Burgin
The Power of the Gospel (Original Title Unavailable), Vinay Samuel
The Power of Values (Original Title Unavailable), Rob Wall
The Presence of the Future, Richard Dahlstrom and Rod Stiling
The President Speaks to the Family, David C. Le Shana
The President Speaks to the Family, David C. Le Shana
The Priority of a Productive Life in a Troubled World, Bill Pollard
The Private University and the Public Church (Part 2 of 4, Original Title Unavailable), Martin E. Marty
The Privileged Planet, Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards
The Problem of Alienation: The Answer of Reconciliation (Original Title Unavailable), Tom Jonez
The Problem of Interpretation (Original Title Unavailable), Richard Hays
The Prodigal Son: Our Grace-Filled Story (Original Title Unavailable), Philip W. Eaton
The Promise of Heaven for Our Earthly Work, John Terrill
The Promise of the Spirit (Original Title Unavailable), Billy Abraham
The Psalms: Good Words for Tough Situations (Original Title Unavailable), Steve Moore
The Psychology of Physical Beauty: Characteristics, Consequences, and Costs, Margaret Brown
The Purpose of Business, Jeff Van Duzer
The Ralph Fry Family, Ralph Fry
The Realities and Challenges of "Ring by Spring", Scott Edwards
The Reality of Spiritual Warfare (Original Title Unavailable), David Winter
The Renewal of Classical Christianity: Exegesis, Thomas Oden
The Renewal of Classical Christianity: Spirituality, Thomas Oden
The Renewal of Classical Christianity: Teaching, Thomas Oden
There's Nothing Wrong with Being Single (Original Title Unavailable), Tim Stafford
The Responsibilities of Believers (Original Title Unavailable, Part 2 of 3), Barbara Skinner
The Results of Crisis (Original Title Unavailable)
"The Revealed Hope of Christ" Matthew 26:1-28:20, Joy Moore
The Rights of Believers (Original Title Unavailable, Part 1 of 3), Barbara Skinner
The Role of Faith/Spirituality in Microfinance, Brad Steve
The Role of Lover (Original Title Unavailable), Bill Lane
The Room of Religion: Sanctification (Part 3 of 3), Albert Outler
The Root of All Evil, Curtis A. Martin
The Rule of Law, Richard Boddis
The Salvation of a "Sinister Kid", Rob Wall and Anthony B. Robinson
The Search for Knowledge: Is It Possible?, Frank Leddusire
The Self-Emptying Jesus Chose (Part 2 of 5), Mark Abbott
The Self-Emptying Jesus (Original Title Unavailable), Bill Lane
The Servant Lord and His Scholar Servants, Eugene Lemcio
The Sex Factor (Part 3 of 5), Jerry White
The Siberian Seven, Kent Hill
Thesis Titles, Seattle Pacific College and Institute for Research
Thesis Titles, Seattle Pacific College and Institute for Research
The Sleep-Stress Paradox: Five Steps to Better Sleep, Amy Mezulis
The Smell of Artificial Roses, Les Steele
The Society of Hidden Secrets, Steve Moore
The Soul of Science, Nancy Pearcy
The Sound of Silence: Insights from Early Ascetic Literature, John Chryssavgis
The Sounds of New Creation, Ben McFarland
The Source of Moral Judgment: One Question Science Doesn't Answer, Ted Ward
The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism, Michael Novak
The Spirit of Entrepreneurship and the imago Dei, Bruce D. Baker and Adam Arabian
The Spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Original Title Unavailable), Sam McKinney
The SPU Signature: What Does This Place Stand for Anyway?, Philip W. Eaton
The Struggle for Peace (Part 3 of 3), Dale Cryderman
The Surprising Journey to the City (Part 1 of 3), Ray Bakke
The Surprising Journey to the Middle-East (Part 3 of 3), Ray Bakke
The Surprising Journey to the Poor (Part 2 of 3), Ray Bakke
The Teaching-Learning Spirit, David L. McKenna
The Tensions of Faith in the Marketplace
The Terror of Critical Thinking, John Medina
The Therapy of Laughter (Part 1 of 3), Donald Demaray
The Things That Cannot Be Shaken, Rick Roberts
The Three F's of Success (Part 4 of 4), Luis Palau
The Threshold of Religion: Justification (Part 2 of 3), Albert Outler
The Time Between Dreams: How to Navigate Uncertainty In Your Life and Work, Carol Vecchio
The Times Are A' Changing: Challenges of Leadership in the Next Generation (Original Title Unavailable), Wes C. Uhlman
The Truth that Makes For Peace, Randy Maddox
The Truth Will Make You Free, Jeremy Begbie
The Twelve Prophets and Work, Theology of Work Project, Tim Meadowcroft, and William Messenger
The Twenty-Third Psalm, Frank Spina
The Urban Involvement Experience
The Vascular Plants of Camp Casey, Whidbey Island, Washington, Ronald C. Phillips
The View from Demaray Hall, David C. Le Shana
The View from Demaray Hall, David C. Le Shana
The Vigilant Spirit (Part 5 of 5), Will Ackles
The Virtue of Profit, C. William Pollard
The Vision that Guides Us, David C. Le Shana
The Way of the Cross: Insights of Christian Pacifism on Our Current Global Conflict, Kevin Neuhouser
The Way of the Cross (Original Title Unavailable)
The Way Out, Greg Johnson
The Way to Victory (Original Title Unavailable), David C. Le Shana
The Weight of Glory: A Tribute to Lewis, Tom Key
The West or the World?: Seeking Balance in the University Curriculum (Part 3 of 5), Don Holsinger and Jeff Fouts
The Will of God, Bob Hempe
The Will to Prepare (Original Title Unavailable), David C. Le Shana
The Wittenberg Door, Denny Rydburg
The Women of Lockerbie: Deborah Brevoort Talkback Session, Deborah Brevoort
The Wonder of the Manger, David C. Le Shana
The Word and The City (Part 2 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Ray Bakke
The Word and the World (Part 1 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Bob Lyon
The Word in My Life (Part 3 of 3), Leroy Eims
The Word that Kindles, George Cowan
The World Comes to Seattle: Implementing Multicultural Education to Impact Student Learning, Jorge Preciado and Tracy Williams
The World is My Campus, John Alexander
The World Was Not Worthy (Original Title Unavailable), Steve Hayner
They Crucified Him...and the End That Is Not the End: Mark 14-16
Think About It: Getting Close to God Through Study, Scott Dudley
Think About Yourself (Part 2 of 4), Ray Stedman
Thinking and Doing: Living with Purpose, Ed Smyth
Thinking Christianly, Os Guiness
Thinking Christianly - How Does a Christian Think? (Part 1 of 3), Joseph Bayly
Thinking Christianly: The Use and Abuse of Power (Part 2 of 3), Joseph Bayly
Thinking Christianly: The Yuppie Lifestyle (Part 3 of 3), Joseph Bayly
Thinking Like Jesus, Harvey Drake
Think on These Things: Whatever Is Pure
Think on These Things: Whatever Is Right
Thirsting After Christ - A Look at Fasting, Dave Hillis
Thirteen Shifts on a Paradigm, Donald Miller
This Is a Serious Poetry Podcast, Nathan Knapp
This is the John Perkins Center
Those Cunning Idols, Paul Rees
Thought Seeds (Part 4 of 5), Dave Roper
Three Lessons About Life and Calling, Bruce Murphy
Three Major Trends in Higher Education Development in China, Zhang Chuanfeng
Three to a Cubicle, Mike Warnke
Through Faith Alone (Original Title Unavailable), Larry Shelton and Dan Berg
Through the Eyes of a Child, Margaret Woods
Thy Kingdom Come, Curtis A. Martin
Thy Kingdom Come: Reimagining the Role of Youth, Romanita Hairston
Thy Will Be Done, David C. Le Shana
Tiffany Hall, circa 1916, Seattle Pacific College
Tiffany Loop, circa 1920, Seattle Pacific College
Time for Truth, Os Guinness
Timothy: A World Christian Disciple, Steve Hoke
To Be a Blessed Person, Deb Nondorf
To Be a Good Steward (Original Title Unavailable), Fredrick Buechner
Today’s Persecuted Church, Don Peter
Together in Christ, Curtis A. Martin
To Lead Is to Serve, Howard Bundy
Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and the British Literary Tradition, Janet L. Knedlik
Tolkien, Man and Myth (Part 4 of 4), Joseph Pearce
Tomio Moriguch, Executive Officer of Uwajimaya, Inc.: Integrating American and Japanese Business Models, Tomio Moriguchi
Tonight, They'll Kill a Catholic, Doug Wead
'To Open Eyes That Are Blind . . . ' [Isa 42:7]: Senses, Idolatry, and Unity in Isaiah, Kelsie Job
Top Five Issues in District Governance Influencing Sustainable Success, Thomas Alsbury
To the Servant, Grace Matters!, Tali Hairston
To the Seven Churches: Revelation 1:9 - 3:22, Allen Callahan
Toughing It Out With Christ (Part 2 of 3; Original Title Unavailable), John Huffman
Toward A Redemptive View of Technology Creation
To Whom Do You Belong?, Chelle Stearns
Transformational Leadership, Ronald White
Transformational Leadership: In Practice and in Progress, Owen Sallee, Liz Andes, Marissa Ukosakul, and Michael Richards
Transforming Leadership and the Power of Service, Kathy Stetz and Rick Jackson
Transforming Self to Transform Others: Lessons from the Prodigal Father, Margaret Diddams
Transforming vs. Conforming, Flora Wilson Bridges
Transition to Adulthood: A New Beginning, Gary Stobbe
Trees of Life: From Cholera to Tolkien to Urzymes, Ben McFarland
Trends in American Teacher Preparation: Educational Consumerism, Pedagogical Progressivism, and the Promise of Reflective Practice, Richard Scheuerman
True Freedom, Chuck Colson
True Spirituality, Dwight Van Winkle
Trusting God: The Teacher Makes the Difference, Earl Palmer
Truth: Absolute or Relative? (Original Title Unavailable), Dick Leon
Truth as Power in A World at War, Tim Dearborn
Truth, Consistency, and the Crisis of Foundations, Anne-Marie Hunsaker
Trying to Remember, Peter Guilquist
Try It, You'll Like It, Paul Little
Tune into Missions, Mitch Whitman
Turning the Other Cheek Gives You a Sore Face, Tim Dearborn and Vinay Samuel
Turning the World Upside Down, Leslie Braxton
Twenty Years on the Streets, Glenda Fays and Norm Riggins
Two Biblical Views of Gender Roles (Original Title Unavailable), Matthew Koenig
Two Distinctives of Christian Higher Education: Integration and Conversation, Something Old and Something New, Harold Heie
Two in One Flesh: Adam, Eve, and the Early Christian Debates on Marriage, David Hunter
Two Life Stories, Mark Taylor
Two Lost Sons (Original Title Unavailable), Les Steele
U2 and the Future of Transformational Leadership, Jeff Keuss
Uncertain Times (Original Title Unavailable)
Uncommon Union: The Character of Christian Marriage, Rick Steele
Unconventional Christians, Bruce Lockerbie
Under Construction, Steve Hoke
Understanding Christ's Passion, Randy Maddox
Understanding God through Jesus' Parables (Part 2 of 3) (Original Title Unavailable), Brennan Manning
Understanding Love (Original Title Unavailable), Dennis Guernsey
Unintentional Community: What About Our Casual Relationships?, Dwight Friesen
Unique Collections: Local, Consortial, and Beyond, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
Unite the Two So Disjoined: Knowledge and Vital Piety, Randy Maddox
Unity and Disunity (Part 2 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), Harold Best
Unity in Diversity (Original Title Unavailable), Lenore Three Stars
Unless the Father Brings Him... (Part 3 of 3, Original Title Unavailable), Jay Kessler
Unlucky in Love, Phil Abrego
Unpacking Teacher Evaluation Models: A Conversation About Teacher Evaluation Research, Robert Marzano
Unpacking Teacher Evaluation Models: A Conversation with Faculty and Students, Robert Marzano
Unpacking Teacher Evaluation Models: A Conversation with School Leaders, Robert Marzano
Urban Conversations: Neighborhood House
Urban Conversations: New Horizons Ministries
Urban Conversations: Oasis Children's Ministry
Urban Conversations: Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center
Urban Conversations: Union Gospel Mission White Center
Urban Conversations: Union Gospel Mission Women & Family Shelter
Urban Involvement: Call to Service (Original Title Unavailable)
Urban Involvement: Ministry in the Inner-City (Original Title Unavailable)
Urbanization's Looming Consequences (Part 1 of 3, Original Title Unavailable), Ray Bakke
Urgency of Evangelism (Part 2 of 2), Jesse Miranda
Use Your Gifts (Part 3 of 4), Robert Traina
Using Distance Sampling to Estimate Population Size of Black-tailed Deer on Blakely Island, WA, Luke Davies
Vessels of Honor: Discerning God's Will, Bob Drovdahl
Veterans Day: 1994-1995, "Freedom in Christ" (Original Title Unavailable), Harry Tim
Veterans Day: 1997-1998, "Honoring Our Veterans" (Original Title Unavailable), Gary Newbill
Veterans Day: 1998-1999, "War Stories from SPU Faculty" (Original Title Unavailable), Bruce Murphy and Bill Woodward
Veterans Day: 1999-2000, "Why We Serve" (Original Title Unavailable), Erik Nutley
Veterans Day: 2003-2004, "God Bless America", Joshua Van Eaton
Veterans Day: Called to Peace (Original Title Unavailable)
Veterans Day: Experiences and Poetry from a Vietnam Veteran (Original Title Unavailable)
Veterans Day Forum, Seattle Pacific University
Veterans Day: Lest We Forget, Harvey Bailey
Victims or Victors? (Original Title Unavailable), Mark Abbott
VidaGas: Beyond Charitable Dollars, Craig Nakagawa
Views on God and Vocation, Susan Lane
Violence of the Kingdom (Part 1 of 4), Richard Foster
Vision Quest (Original Title Unavailable), Roy Wilson
Vocation: A Whole-Life Model, Margaret Diddams
Vocation, Relationships, and Faith: Building a Balanced and Integrated Life, Richard Dahlstrom
Voices From Seattle, Willie Wilson
Voices From Seattle, Harvey Drake
Voices from Seattle, Week 1, Angela Tucker
Voices from Seattle, Week 2, Kathleen Weber
Voices of the Season - Poems for Advent
Vote Democrat or Republican? (Part 3 of 3, Original Title Unavailable), Reed Davis
Voting in Agreeable Societies, Francis Edward Su
Waitlisting for Closed Classes
Wait Upon the Lord, Rich Wilkerson
Wake Up To Battle (Part 3 of 3)
Wake Up To Opportunity (Part 2 of 3)
Walkabout: A Change in Nature (Part 2 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Walkabout: As Children of Light (Part 5 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Walkabout: Discipline the Intellect (Part 3 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Walkabout: Practicing Love (Part 4 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Walkabout: Using Time Wisely (Part 6 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Walkabout: Withstanding the Test (Part 1 of 6, Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Walk Across America, Peter Jenkins
Walk Your Talk, Steve Hoke
War and Politics (Original Title Unavailable), Norman Anderson
Wartime Wisdom: Ten Uncommon Insights from The Lord of the Rings About Evil (Part 3 of 4), Peter Kreeft
Was and Is and Is to Come (Original Title Unavailable)
Washington State Tax Reform, Daniel J. Evans
Watching the Hand of God (Part 1 of 2, Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Watch Out for the Enemy (Part 1 of 5), Chris Lyons
Waterholes (Part 2 of 3), David L. McKenna
Watts Up, Edward V. Hill
Way Leads to Way: Discerning God's Call, Les Steele
Wealth and Involvement, Bill Clancy, Matt Leber, Leslie Leber, and Bruce Walker
Weathering Life's Challenges (Original Title Unavailable), Marta Bennett
Weaving Together Belief and Behavior, Steve Garber
We Blush Because It Is Sacred, Not Secret, Roy Barsness
We Discover His Identity (Part 2 of 5), Dennis Kinlaw
We Gather Together (Response to "The Day After"), Kent Hill and Kathleen Braden
Welcome Back, Matthew Koenig
Welcome Dr. Miller, Otto Miller
Welcome to SPU, Steve Swayne
Welcoming Remarks, Rick Eigenbrood
Wellsprings of Spirituality (Part 1 of 2), Jesse Miranda
We're in This Together, Steve Hoke
We See Ourselves (Part 3 of 5), Dennis Kinlaw
Wesleyan Heritage, Kenneth Kinghorn
Wesleyan Theology on Today's Issues (Part 1 of 3; Original Title Unavailable), Theodore Runyon
Wesleyan to the Core, Kent Hill
Wesleyan Worship: Focus on Direction, not Style (Original Title Unavailable), Mark Abbott
Wesley's Revival (Original Title Unavailable), Steve Brown
Weter Memorial Library, 1963, Seattle Pacific College
Weter Memorial Library, circa 1963, Seattle Pacific College
Weter Memorial Library Entrance, circa 1963, Seattle Pacific College
We Will Serve the Lord, Silas Mugabe
What About Imagination, Thomas Howard
What Are You Going to Be; Who Are You Going to Do?, Joyce Erickson
What Can I Do with a Liberal Arts or a Social Sciences Degree?
What Dare We Hope? Ministry through Times of Difficulty, Doug Koskela
What Does Discipleship Mean in Community Together? (Original Title Unavailable), Jeff Keuss
What Does Faith Have to Do with Learning? (Original Title Unavailable), Nicholas Wolterstorff
What Does God Want of Us? (Original Title Unavailable), Margaret Diddams
What Does it Mean to Be "In Christ"? (Part 3 of 3), Brennan Manning
What Does the Bible Say about Poverty?, Jim Wallis
What Does the Bible Teach Us About Worship?, Stephen Newby
What Do You Love?, Steve Garber
What Do You Mean, 'Deny Yourself'?, Dan Church
What Do You Mean Don't Eat the Fruit? (Part 1 of 5), Philip W. Eaton
What Exactly Do I Do? (Part 2 of 2, Original Title Available), Don McCullough
What Has Brought Me Here? (Original Title Unavailable)
What Have You Got in Your Hand?, Randy Rowland
What If I Want To Take 19 Or 20 Credits?
What If Your Job Asks You to Sin? (Original Title Unavailable), Alec Hill
What in the World is God Doing? (Original Title Unavailable), Paul Landry
What Is a Physical Object?, Lane Seeley and Rebekah Rice
What is Christian Community?, Laura Fraser
What Is Happiness? (Part 1 of 3), Dale Cryderman
What is Love, Anyway?, Mark Abbott
What is Messianic Judaism?, Hylan Slobodkin
What Is Prayer?, Kallistos Ware
What is Primary: Teaching Archival Epistemology and the Sources Continuum, Michael J. Paulus Jr.
What is Sexuality's Place in Dating? (Part 3 of 5, Original Title Unavailable), Steve Hayner
What is the Meaning of Meaningful Faith? (Original Title Unavailable), David Foster
What is the Tone of Your Life? (Original Title Unavailable), Philip W. Eaton
What Is Your Life?, Margaret Brabon
What it Does (and Doesn't) Mean to Find God's Will (Original Title Unavailable), Steve Hoke
What It Means to Be a Sabbath People (Original Title Unavailable), Marva Dawn
What Kind of World?: Hope for Tomorrow and Today (Original Title Unavailable), Rod Toews
What Makes for a "Successful" Person? (Original Title Unavailable), Dan Tripps
What on Earth Is God Doing? (Part 1 of 2), Norm Cook
What's Behind God's Call to Obedience (Original Title Unavailable), Don Bastian
What's Happening (Original Title Unavailable)
What Should a Christian Politic Look Like? (Part 2 of 3), Reed Davis
What Should We Know? (Original Title Unavailable), Alan Basham
What Should Worship Do For Me?, Mark Abbott
What's Important to Christ?, Michael Pocock
What's Love Got to Do With It?, Leslie Corthell
What's so "Holy" about "Holy Week"? (Original Title Unavailable), Frank Spina
What's So Special about Following Jesus?, Vinay Samuel
What's So Special about the Gospel?, Vinay Samuel
What the Church Asks of the World, George Weigel
What Time is It?, Brenda Salter-McNeil
What Was, What Is & What Will Be (Part 1 of 3, Original Title Unavailable), Jeff Keuss
What We Can't Not Know, Five Years After 9/11, George Weigel
What You See Is What You Are, Mark Abbott
When Did We See You Hungry?, Mark Van Tane
When I'm at the End of My Rope, Ted Limpic
When in Doubt, Scramble, Jim Zorn
When Mom's Religion Loses Its Grip (Part 1 of 3), C.L. Bence
When Religion Meets New Media: Reflections on the Religious Social Shaping of Technology
Where Am I? Where?, David O. Dickerson
Where Does Meaning Begin? (Part 1 of 3), Donald Bastian
Where Do I Go From Here?, Jimmy Draodo
Where Do We Place Our Trust? (Original Title Unavailable), Philip W. Eaton
Where Great Awakenings Begin (Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Where the New Begins, David C. Le Shana
Where We've Been: The Great Cloud of Witnesses, Bob Zurinsky
Who Are You, Lord?, Ed Smyth
Who Does God Use? (Original Title Unavailable), Mark Abbott
Who Do You Think You Are, Anyway?, Mark Abbott
Who Is In Charge?, Marilyn Meberg
Who Is Jesus of Nazareth? (Part 3 of 3) (Original Title Unavailable), Brennan Manning
Who Is My Neighbor?: Seeking a Christian Response to the Roma Question in France, Michelle Beauclair and Andrea Taylor-Brochet
Who Is Your Academic Counselor?
Wholeness (Original Title Unavailable), David L. McKenna
Who Me?: A Call To Christian Leadership in the 21st Century, Brenda Salter-McNeil
Who Me? (Original Title Unavailable), Joni Eareckson
Who Needs the Church, Curtis A. Martin
Who's Afraid of Fundamentalism: A Secular and Pluralistic World Caught Off Balance (Part 4 of 4), Martin E. Marty
Whose Neighbor Are We?, Jean Kim
Who Should Christians Vote for in '84?, Frank Spina
Who Then is This? Mark 4:35-6:6, Debra Sequeira
Why a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics Should Be a Requirement for Our Secondary Teachers, Brooke Beckwith
Why Acts?, Rob Wall
Why Are We Here Anyway?, Mark Abbott
Why Are You Here? (Original Title Unavailable), Dan Allender
Why College Students Drink, Alan Basham
Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers Sooner? (Part 2 of 3), Donald Bastian
Why Do the Wicked Prosper?, Dwight Van Winkle
Why Have You Forsaken Me? (Original Title Unavailable), Mark Taylor
Why I Believe in the Goodness of God in the Midst of a World of Injustice, Gary Haugen, Steve Hayner, Mark Labberton, and Tim Dearborn
Why I Got Involved at SPU (Original Title Unavailable)
Why Jesus?, Rob Wall
Why Should Anyone Believe Anyone At All?, James Sire
Why the World Needs Business, Collin Timms
Willing to Go (Original Title Unavailable), Joanne Shelter
Windows into the Soul: An Overview of the Contemplative Tradition, Alberto Ferreiro
Winds of Change (Original Title Unavailable), Anita Deynaka
Winning the World by Walking Around, Gary Gulbranson
Winter Convocation: 1971-1972, "The Lyric of Labor", C. Dorr Demaray
Winter Convocation: 1972-1973, "Love in Twentieth Century Dimensions", Carl H. Lundquist
Winter Convocation: 1973-1974, "Biblical Wisdom and Contemporary Education", Carl Armerding
Winter Convocation: 1983-1984, "Setting Goals for Growth: 1984 and Beyond", David C. Le Shana
Wisdom That Is Foolish (Part 2 of 3), C.L. Bence
With a Brand New Wardrobe, Matthew Koenig
With God, There Is Hope (Part 1 of 2), Wayne McCown
With Liberty and Justice for Whom?, Bob Ekblad
With the Kingdom in View, Steve Hayner
Witnesses in Jerusalem, Shannon Kyle and Dolphus Weary
Witnessing for Christ (Part 3 of 3) (Original Title Unavailable), Lori Salierno
Woe Point (Part 4 of 4, Original Title Unavailable), Calvin Miller
Woman's Participation in the Labor Force (Original Title Unavailable), Abigail Stahl
Women and Homelessness, Marty Hartman, Liz McDaniel, Tammy Pay, Tiffany Rand, and Amy Weisband
Women and Men...Leading the Church Together?, Nancy Sugikawa, Wayne Ogimachi, Christine Nakano, and Elaine Cho
Women of Influence (Original Title Unavailable), Catherine Kroeger
Women's Roles in Ministry (Original Title Unavailable), Jody Fondell
Women With Visions of a Just Society (Original Title Unavailable), Kathy Lee
Woodcarvings of the Northwest Coast Indians
Working with Students to Write Effective Scholarship, Luke Reinsma
Works in Progress, Renee Notkin
World Conquest (Part 3 of 3), Larry Poland
World Food Day: A Panel of Presentations
World Hunger, Tom LePage
World Impact: Evangelism in the Inner City, Keith Phillips
World Resources: Is There a Christian Solution?, John Paterson
Worldwide Citizenship (Part 1 of 3), Ted Ward
Worldwide Responsibility (Part 2 of 3), Ted Ward
Worship and the Reconciliation of All People, Stephen Newby
Worship As Lifestyle, David C. Le Shana
Worship at the Polls, Bonnie Brann
Worshiping Narcissus (Part 3 of 4, Original Title Unavailable), Calvin Miller
Worship In The Wesleyan Tradition, Rick Steele
Worship is Messy (Original Title Unavailable), Alex Gee
Worship With Your Life, Mark Abbott
Writing Faith Statements: For Tenure, Promotion, and Third-Year Review Files, Rick Steele
X-Ray Room (Part 1 of 4, Original Title Unavailable), Calvin Miller
Y2K and the Spirituality of John Wesley (Original Title Unavailable, Part 1 of 3), Gary Collins
Yankee Ingenuity (The Devil and Daniel Webster)
Yes & No: Two Words for Finding Your Voice in the World, Richard Dahlstrom
You and the Church (Part 2 of 3), Robert H. Warren
You and Your Commitment (Part 3 of 3), Robert H. Warren
You Can't Bring This Back to the States (Or Can You?): A Reflection of the Lessons Learned in Argentina, Peter Renn
You Gotta Keep Dancin', Tim Hansel
You Have Begun To Reign! Revelation 8:2 - 11:19, Bob Ekblad
You Just Might Be a Saint, Matthew Koenig
YoungLife Service Opportunities in Germany, Rob Sterling
You're starting a what?: Talking to faculty, staff, and students about Digital Commons @ SPU, Kristen Hoffman
Your Future as Opportunity (Original Title Unavailable), Tom Sine
Your Life Being What You Make It (Part 1 of 3), Robert H. Warren
Your Lifestyle as a College Student (Original Title Unavailable), E. Arthur Self
"Your name shall no longer be Jacob" Genesis 21:1-36:42, Richard Allen Farmer
You've Gotta Wanna, Janet Lynn
Zeal for Your House Will Consume Me, Bonnie Brann
Zunch (Part 3 of 3), Bruce Thielmann