
Journal of the Institute for Research


The flux of primary cosmic ray heavy nuclei has been measured with a sandwich of C.2 and G.5 emulsions near the coast of Georgia, magnetic latitude 42°N. The emulsions were exposed at about 122 000 ft for 7.5 hours and the calculated fluxes at the top of the atmosphere in particles/ m2-sec-sr were found to be:

Li, Be, B (L nuclei) 1.15.±0.3 C,N,O,F (M nuclei) 3.97±0.4 z≥10 (H nuclei) 1.29±0.3

This flight took place on May 25, 1960, near sun spot maximum. Evidence of solar modulation of the primary cosmic ray flux is shown.

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Work is in the public domain the United States, since it was published from 1962-1969 without proper copyright notice. Copyright could apply outside the U.S. and has not been determined.

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