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  1. Introduction
  2. Ready_Set_R
  3. Preliminary Analyses
  4. One Sample t-tests
  5. Independent Samples t-test
  6. Paired Samples t-test
  7. One-way ANOVA
  8. Factorial (Between-Subjects) ANOVA
  9. One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA
  10. Mixed Design ANOVA
  11. Analysis of Covariance
  12. Type I Error
  13. Examples for Follow-up to Factorial ANOVA
  14. One-Way Repeated Measures with a Multivariate Approach


To center a variable in regression means to set its value at zero and interpret all other values in relation to this reference point. Regarding race and gender, researchers often center male and White at zero. Further, it is typical that research vignettes in statistics textbooks are similarly seated in a White, Western (frequently U.S.), heteronormative, framework. ReCentering Psych Stats seeks to provide statistics training for psychology students (undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral) in a socially and culturally responsive way. All lessons use the open-source statistics program, R (and its associated packages). Each chapter includes a screencast lesson, features a workflow for statistical decision-making, and includes all R code necessary for conducting the statistic. Research vignettes are drawn from the published psychology literature. When possible, these articles are authored by individuals who hold identities that have been marginalized in the scientific literature; correctly use the statistic that is taught in the lesson; and focus on issues of justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity. When possible, lessons include interviews with researchers from the featured vignettes. Each chapter includes suggestions for practice that are graded in complexity, such that learners can choose the degree of challenge. In this base volume, chapters include an orientation to the R environment and statistics lessons include coverage of inferential statistics (i.e., descriptive statistics, t-tests [one-way, paired, independent]) and analysis of variance (i.e., one-way, factorial, repeated measures, mixed design, ANCOVA). Each lesson includes a power analysis and attention to Type I error. Lessons on correlation and multiple regression are forthcoming. Additional volumes of ReCentering Psych Stats include Psychometrics and Multivariate Modeling. ReCentering Psych Stats is perpetually-in-progress; suggestions for corrections or chapters are welcome:

Link to full online book and supplemental materials (first page includes links to .pdf, .doc, and ebook formats):



Publication Date



Seattle Pacific University Library


Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers; Office of Inclusive Excellence and Advisory Council for Diversity and Reconciliation (SPU); SPU Educational Technology and Media


Call to Action on Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, Justice, and Social Responsivity Request for Proposals; Diversity Seed Grant; Open Educational Resource Grant




statistics, behavioral statistics, research methods, psychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, health services psychology, R


Clinical Psychology | Counseling Psychology | Health Psychology | Industrial and Organizational Psychology | Psychology | Quantitative Psychology | School Psychology


Lynette Bikos (she/her/hers), PhD, ABPP (Counseling Psychology), teaches statistics, research methods, and psychometrics courses in the Clinical and Industrial-Organizational Psychology doctoral programs at Seattle Pacific University. She is authoring the open educational resource, ReCentering Psych Stats, as a socially responsive pedagogy in statistics/research methods training. Her research interests fall at the intersections of vocational, global, and sustainable psychology – with particular interests in plotting longitudinal growth trajectories examining the simultaneous effects of individual and contextual factors. Significant research projects have explored global learning outcomes in returnees from study abroad; career development in response to an online, calling-infused intervention; and wearing facemasks during the pandemic. Dr. Bikos has served on a number of editorial boards including the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Career Development Quarterly, Journal of Counseling Psychology, and Journal of Career Development. Dr. Bikos is fellowed in APA’s Division 52/International Psychology and the Western Psychological Association.

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Copyright © 2023 by Lynette Bikos Seattle Pacific University Library, Seattle, WA

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ReCentering Psych Stats
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