Faculty Sponsor(s)

William Collins, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Literature review

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Though telehealth has existed for many years, it has largely not been accepted. Due to COVID-19, therapy must change to accommodate societal needs. This adoption of telehealth raises questions on effectiveness, side effects, and applications. These questions are addressed through a review of the current literature. Trials applying telehealth demonstrate the striking effectiveness of online healthcare in a variety of cases. Some benefits show reduced travel stress and expenses, lending a broader availability regarding lower socioeconomic status. Moving forward from this crisis, healthcare delivery must be rebuilt to create a new system to addresses the needs of modern society.

Streaming Media

Apart But Together script.docx (17 kB)
Script of presentation to accompany slides

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May 27th, 10:30 AM

Apart but together: Telehealth during a pandemic.

Though telehealth has existed for many years, it has largely not been accepted. Due to COVID-19, therapy must change to accommodate societal needs. This adoption of telehealth raises questions on effectiveness, side effects, and applications. These questions are addressed through a review of the current literature. Trials applying telehealth demonstrate the striking effectiveness of online healthcare in a variety of cases. Some benefits show reduced travel stress and expenses, lending a broader availability regarding lower socioeconomic status. Moving forward from this crisis, healthcare delivery must be rebuilt to create a new system to addresses the needs of modern society.

Rights Statement

In Copyright