Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Eating Disorders tend to be treatment-resistant, moreover, adolescents with eating disorders tend to disengage from standard treatments, such as (CBT-E) the standard intervention in treating eating disorders. Research shows that children and adults have greater positive outcomes with the addition of narrative approaches to treatment. Studies show that children and adults have positive outcomes with the addition of narrative approaches to treatment, in addition, group narrative therapy with adults is effective at treating eating disorders beyond behavioral change. This proposal is to explore the efficacy and client engagement of a group narrative therapy curriculum alongside standard CBT-E group treatments.

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May 29th, 10:00 AM May 29th, 11:00 AM

Group Narrative Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders tend to be treatment-resistant, moreover, adolescents with eating disorders tend to disengage from standard treatments, such as (CBT-E) the standard intervention in treating eating disorders. Research shows that children and adults have greater positive outcomes with the addition of narrative approaches to treatment. Studies show that children and adults have positive outcomes with the addition of narrative approaches to treatment, in addition, group narrative therapy with adults is effective at treating eating disorders beyond behavioral change. This proposal is to explore the efficacy and client engagement of a group narrative therapy curriculum alongside standard CBT-E group treatments.

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