Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


The study aims to explore the potential mitigating effects of supportive sibling relationships on the attachment security of children from divorced families. Utilizing the Child Attachment Interview (CAI) and Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ), attachment security and sibling relationship quality will be assessed. We anticipate that supportive sibling relationships will alleviate the adverse impacts of parental divorce on children's attachment security. This study will involve a sample of 80 siblings (40 sibling pairs) aged 7-17 years from divorced families. Findings may inform interventions enhancing attachment and resilience in children during family transitions, emphasizing sibling relationships as a valuable resource for well-being.

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May 29th, 10:00 AM May 29th, 11:00 AM

Impact of sibling support on mitigating the effects of parental divorce on children's attachment security

The study aims to explore the potential mitigating effects of supportive sibling relationships on the attachment security of children from divorced families. Utilizing the Child Attachment Interview (CAI) and Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ), attachment security and sibling relationship quality will be assessed. We anticipate that supportive sibling relationships will alleviate the adverse impacts of parental divorce on children's attachment security. This study will involve a sample of 80 siblings (40 sibling pairs) aged 7-17 years from divorced families. Findings may inform interventions enhancing attachment and resilience in children during family transitions, emphasizing sibling relationships as a valuable resource for well-being.

Rights Statement

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