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Daniel, Bible Commentary


  1. Introduction to Daniel
  2. Is Daniel a Model for Christians Today?
  3. The Big Picture of the Book of Daniel
  4. Introduction: In Exile at Babylon U. (Daniel 1)
  5. Theme A: God will Overthrow Pagan Kingdoms and Replace Them with His Own Kingdom (Daniel 2)
  6. Theme B: Sufferings, Yet Rewards, for Faithful Witnesses to God in the Meantime (Daniel 3)
  7. Theme C: Humbling and Overthrow of the Pagan King (Daniel 4)
  8. Theme C Revisited: Humbling and Overthrow of the Pagan King (Daniel 5)
  9. Theme B Revisited: Sufferings, Yet Rewards, for Faithful Witnesses to God in the Meantime (Daniel 6)
  10. Theme A Revisited: God will Overthrow Pagan Kingdoms and Replace Them with His Own Kingdom (Dan 7)
  11. Conclusion to Daniel
  12. Key Verses and Themes in Daniel


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