Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor/Committee Member

Thomas Alsbury

Second Advisor/Committee Member

John Bond

Third Advisor/Committee Member

William Nagy


Wirt and Kirst, Decision Output Theory; superintendent turnover, length of tenure; leadership turnover, length of tenure; international school director turnover, length of tenure


In recent years, public school superintendents have faced increased demands from rigorous federal and state accountability standards. Yet, researchers have reported that academic improvement does not happen by chance but rather through effective leaders with ample time to implement broad, sustainable reform. The purpose of this study was to examine the self-reported causes of turnover of international school directors, specifically, whether the relationship between the school board and the international school director is linked to length of tenure of the international director. The theoretical framework that addresses superintendent turnover as influenced by internal board dynamics, including school board/superintendent relationship, is the Decision Output Theory (Wirt & Kirst, 2005). Descriptive data seem to indicate the quality of relationship between the international school director and the school board as a possible factor for international school directors to leave their previous position. There was a correlation between "quality of relationship" and "length of tenure," rs (120) = -.419, p < .001. There seems to be evidence that when the top administrator leaves, the entire organizational structure is affected, regardless of the professional setting. It seems evident that the understanding of building a positive relationship between the international school director and school board, founded on trust and respect, is one that has a far-reaching impact on the length of tenure.

KEYWORDS: Wirt and Kirst, Decision Output Theory; superintendent turnover, length of tenure; leadership turnover, length of tenure; international school director turnover, length of tenure.

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