Date of Award

Spring 5-29-2024

Document Type

Honors Project

University Scholars Director

Dr. Joshua Tom

First Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. Brian Lugioyo

Second Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. Matthew Sigler


Anglican, Episcopal, Book of Common Prayer, Sarah Coakley, Desire, Liturgical Asceticism


This project, in response to the theological retrieval of desire conducted by Anglican theologian Sarah Coakley in her God, Sexuality, and the Self, descriptively analyses the place of “desire” in the language of the Daily Office and Eucharistic liturgies of the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer--the regula of Anglican Christians. It asks, “How do the liturgies of the Prayer Book address, direct, and ultimately entrust our desires to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit?” In the face of the descriptive, it also presents a constructive model for discipleship in “Prayer Book Liturgical Asceticism” a life of "common prayer" mediated through the Prayer Book. In the face of division in the Global Anglican Communion and anxiety around future Prayer Book revision, this preliminary exploration of this lens or orientation toward the Prayer Book aims to be hopeful, unitive, transformative, and thoroughly Anglican.


A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the University Scholars Honors Program.

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