"The June 1911 Cascade" by Seattle Seminary



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The June 1911 issue of the student magazine and yearbook for Seattle Seminary.

Publication Date



Seattle Seminary




Cascade, Yearbook, Literary Journal, Students


The June 1911 Cascade (volume 1, issue 7) includes photos of students and faculty; student-written stories, poems, and essays; reports of student groups and clubs, (the Student Volunteer Missionary Band, the Intercollegiate Prohibition League, the Alexandrian Literary Society, the Alethepian Literary Society and the Philopolemical Debating Club); items on classes and athletics (tennis); a section of exchanges (comments on other student newspapers); a summary of the Domestic Science cooking class; an alumni directory; and a section of jokes ("Joshes") and advertisements for Seattle-area businesses. The issue served as the yearbook for 1911.

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Work is in the public domain in the United States due to copyright expiration. Copyright could apply outside the U.S. and has not been determined.

The June 1911 Cascade
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No Copyright - United States

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