Digital Commons @ SPU - Day of Common Learning: ‘We are Homeless, not Helpless’: Voices from Inside a Tent Encampment

‘We are Homeless, not Helpless’: Voices from Inside a Tent Encampment


Bertona 3


Day of Common Learning


This session showcases the narratives of Tent City 3 (TC3) residents gathered by student research teams while TC3 was on campus in 2012 and 2015. Residents shared their experiences of homelessness, living in TC3, and being hosted by SPU. The interview data highlight how residents manage stigma and safety issues of being homeless, challenge stereotypes about being ‘houseless’ and search for community. While the stories from TC3 residents are unique, they are also tied to the larger story of homelessness in our city and country.

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Oct 26th, 1:00 PM

‘We are Homeless, not Helpless’: Voices from Inside a Tent Encampment

Bertona 3

This session showcases the narratives of Tent City 3 (TC3) residents gathered by student research teams while TC3 was on campus in 2012 and 2015. Residents shared their experiences of homelessness, living in TC3, and being hosted by SPU. The interview data highlight how residents manage stigma and safety issues of being homeless, challenge stereotypes about being ‘houseless’ and search for community. While the stories from TC3 residents are unique, they are also tied to the larger story of homelessness in our city and country.

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