2019 - 18th Annual Day of Common Learning | Day of Common Learning

Seattle Pacific University and the Faculty Life Office present

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Keynote speaker at 10 a.m.

Seattle Pacific University
Royal Brougham Pavilion


Dr. James K.A. Smith
Professor of Philosophy, Calvin College
Editor-in-chief, Image Journal

What does it look like to offer hope in the midst of a world that breaks our hearts? The Christian social imagination is a dance between the now and not yet, between a broken creation we still experience and the kingdom-come for which we long and pray. This session will address why a Christian commitment to public life demands both prophetic critique and discerning participation. We’ll consider why a Christian liberal arts education is an apprenticeship for such public engagement.


Continue the conversation by choosing from a variety of 50-minute forums, seminars, and panel presentations led by faculty, staff, students, and community members. All are free to the public and offered at the following times:

SESSION 1: 1–1:50 P.M. | SESSION 2: 2–2:50 P.M.

Full schedule listed below.


Demaray Hall 150

Any questions you would like to ask Dr. Smith? Join us for an informal time with our speaker as he closes this year’s Day of Common Learning.


James K. A. Smith is professor of philosophy at Calvin College, where he holds the Gary and Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview. Trained as a philosopher with a focus on contemporary French thought, Smith has expanded on that scholarly platform to become an engaged public intellectual and cultural critic. An award-winning author and widely traveled speaker, he has emerged as a thought leader with a unique gift of translation, building bridges among the academy, society, and the church.


Now in its 18th year, the Day of Common Learning is a campuswide event in which students, faculty, staff, and people from the greater Seattle area have the opportunity to engage in deep thought and conversation around a topic of focus, interest, and concern.

All seminars, classes, and labs held before 3 p.m. are suspended, while classes and labs after 3 p.m. are held as usual.

All events are free and open to the public.



You can start using social media now to comment on what you are hearing and responding to throughout the day!


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Wednesday, October 16th
10:00 AM

Practicing the Prophetic: Liturgy, Formation, and Discernment for Public Life

Dr. James K.A. Smith, Calvin College

Royal Brougham Pavilion

10:00 AM

1:00 PM

A Prophet from Compton: The Prophetic Imagination of Kendrick Lamar

Jake Carlson, Seattle Pacific University

Otto Miller Hall 109

1:00 PM

Densho as Prophecy: Announcing NEA Big Read, King County

Kris Gritter, Seattle Pacific University
Lorraine Bannai, Seattle University
Tom Ikeda, Densho

Cremona 201

1:00 PM

Envisioning a Dementia-Friendly Community

Julie Pusztai, Seattle Pacific University
Bomin Shim, Seattle Pacific University
Marigrace Becker, UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center
Dirk Howe
Sandy Howe

Cremona 101

1:00 PM

Gender, Faith, & Action: Women in Mission

Miriam Adeney, Seattle Pacific University

McKenna Hall 118

1:00 PM

Heavenly Finance Right Now?

Randy Beavers, Seattle Pacific University

McKenna Hall 117

1:00 PM

"His Strange Work": The Living Word in Isaiah, Girard, and Tolkien

Ben McFarland, Seattle Pacific University

Eaton Hall 112

1:00 PM

Homeless and Human

Katie Douglass, Seattle Pacific University
Brittany Tausen, Seattle Pacific University

Weter Memorial Hall 202

1:00 PM

In the Public Eye: Art on the SPU campus

Katie Kresser, Seattle Pacific University

Demaray Hall 254

1:00 PM

In the World, but not of it: Christians in the Roman Empire

Owen Ewald, Seattle Pacific University

Demaray Hall 259

1:00 PM

Practicing the Prophetic: Engaging Students in Championing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Antwinett Lee, Seattle Pacific University

Cremona 102

1:00 PM

Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land

Robert Baah, Seattle Pacific University

Demaray Hall 261

1:00 PM

Technology and Hope

Mike Langford, Seattle Pacific University
Michael Paulus, Seattle Pacific University
John Robertson, Seattle Pacific University
Catalina Vlad-Ortiz, Seattle Pacific University

Library Seminar Room

1:00 PM

The Prophetic Voice in the Arts. Video Screening of the short film “Passages: A Fable in Six Cycles”

Brian Chin, Seattle Pacific University
Scott Kolbo, Seattle Pacific University

Demaray Hall 150

1:00 PM

The Significance of Art in Expressing the Prophetic: The Need for Christian Creativity

Christopher Hanson, Seattle Pacific University

Cremona 202

1:00 PM

What's Up, Danger? Movies about the Risky Business of Answering God's Call

Jeffrey Overstreet, Seattle Pacific University

Weter Memorial Hall 201

1:00 PM

3:30 PM

Talkback with Dr. James K.A. Smith

Dr. James K.A. Smith, Calvin College

Eaton Hall 112

3:30 PM - 4:20 PM