How Do We Build Community in a Time of Isolation?
Demaray 353
For 18 months, we have been quarantined, endured Zoom instruction, worshiped online, and even now are still wearing masks. We have had increased political polarization, rampant homelessness, and a heightened awareness of racial and cultural injustices and the inevitability of climate change. These are problems that cannot be addressed without community. Let’s talk about it. How can we reconnect? How can we work beyond our differences?
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How Do We Build Community in a Time of Isolation?
Demaray 353
For 18 months, we have been quarantined, endured Zoom instruction, worshiped online, and even now are still wearing masks. We have had increased political polarization, rampant homelessness, and a heightened awareness of racial and cultural injustices and the inevitability of climate change. These are problems that cannot be addressed without community. Let’s talk about it. How can we reconnect? How can we work beyond our differences?