In the summer of 1967, the DeShazers return to Japan. They live in Hitachi, Japan, for about a year. Jacob is named superintendent of a district of seven Free Methodist churches in the Hitachi/Katsuta area of Japan. The DeShazers supervise the construction of a new church building in Katsuta. In August 1969, the DeShazers move to the Tokyo area; all three of their sons are now living in the United States, while their two daughters continue to live at home in Tokyo. In the summer of 1972, the DeShazers return to Salem, Oregon, for a furlough. Jacob is named Alumnus of the Year for Seattle Pacific College in 1973; he and Florence attend SPC's Homecoming in February 1973. Later in 1973, Jacob, Florence and Ruth DeShazer return to Japan; Carol attends college at Aldersgate Bible College in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Son John is married in 1973 and daughter Carol is married in 1974. Florence has surgery in 1975. Later in 1975, Carol and her husband Ken Dixon come to Japan to work with Jacob and Florence as short-term missionaries. In December of 1975, American TV evangelist Rex Humbard features Jacob and Captain Mitsuo Fuchida on his television show, which is also shown in Japan. The next year, Captain Fuchida dies. In 1977, the DeShazers retire from missionary work in Japan and return to the United States.


Submissions from 1976


Fuchida Remembered, Jacob DeShazer


Letter October 5, 1976, Florence DeShazer

Submissions from 1977


DeShazer Learned to Turn the Other Cheek, C. W. Rowe


Letter May 4, 1977, Florence DeShazer


Fuchida: My Brother, My Friend, Jacob DeShazer


Letter June 22, 1977, Florence DeShazer

Submissions from 1978


Missionaries of Love, Farewell!, Lois Snider


You're Invited, Toddville Free Methodist Church