Factors Influencing Shelter Dog Retention and Return


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Date of Award

Summer 8-1-2024

Document Type

Applied Project

Degree Name

Master of Science in Research Psychology (MS)




Dr. Jessica Fossum

Second Reader

Dr. Jessica Fossum

Third Reader

Dr. Jenny Lee Vaydich


dog adoption, shelter dog, return, foster care


Adopting a dog from a shelter is an impactful decision for both dog and owner. To better understand adoption outcomes, I explore the influences of a dog’s age, time spent in the shelter (SLOS), and time in foster care. Data from a Washington shelter (n = 224) were analyzed using a logistic regression and correlations. The regression indicated no significant results between the variables, however, there was a significant correlation between age and SLOS. The data was limited by a small return sample. Overall, this study helps add to the narrative for how shelters can increase adoptions and decrease returns.

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