Date of Award

Winter 3-7-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. Arthur Ellis

Second Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. William Nagy

Third Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. David Wicks


self-regulated learning, community college, mathematics, online learning, academic achievement


Completion of required mathematics courses in a community college program of study can be a critical factor in a student’s academic success and degree completion. Underprepared, nontraditional students who take mathematics courses online in a community college face barriers to success that are different from those found in traditional face-to-face courses in four-year universities. Research suggests that motivation and self-regulated learning skills are potentially related to student success in online learning. The preponderance of research on student academic success in online courses is predominantly conducted with traditional, better-prepared students in four-year universities. Yet, there is little research on the effectiveness of online mathematics courses in community college settings with underprepared, nontraditional students. This study examines the relationship of self-regulated learning and academic risk factors to academic performance in community college online mathematics courses. The results of this study indicated that the self-regulation measures of Self-Efficacy for Learning and Performance and Task Value had a statistically significant relationship to academic performance as measured by mathematics final examination scores. Academic risk factors were not found to be predictors of academic performance. The results also indicated that self-regulated learning did not appear to moderate the strength of the relationship of academic risk factors to academic performance. Implications for practitioners are discussed.

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