Date of Award

Winter 12-20-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. John Bond

Second Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. Bill Nagy

Third Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. Bill Prenevost


Leading with Resilience, Transformational Leadership, 2nd Order Change, MLQ, PRQ



The United States government holds high expectations for principals and administrators, as they are responsible for enacting significant change to actualize school improvement and meet national agendas. Schools have specific characteristics that make change extremely challenging to implement, and it is within this context that fostering resilience holds promise. This study was a quantitative, correlational study that looked critically at the relationship between self-perceived resilience and self-perceived transformational leadership among US principals and administrators in K-12 settings. Peer-reviewed research studies addressing resilience and transformational leadership in K-12 education have been minimal, although similar questions in research continue to be posed in other fields outside of education. This study used the PRQ (Personal Resilience Questionnaire), with its seven resiliency dimensions (Conner, 1990; 2004), and the MLQ (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire) from Bass and Avolio (1995; 2015), which contains nine leadership factors, five of which represent transformational leadership, and three transformational leadership outcomes. Demographic variables collected included age, gender, leadership level, educational level, public or private school service, and years of experience as teachers and administrators. Resilience and transformational leadership did not appear to be correlated with age, leadership level, area of service (public or private school administration), or region of service. However, there was a strong, statistically significant positive correlation between self-perceived resilience and self-perceived transformational leadership within the K-12 administrative arena. Additionally, resilience and transformational leadership appeared to be correlated with

gender, with transformational leadership positively and significantly correlated with educational levels achieved.

Keywords: resilience, leading change, educational leadership, transformational leadership, positive psychology, second-order change.

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