Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor/Committee Member

David Wicks

Second Advisor/Committee Member

Michael Paulus

Third Advisor/Committee Member

Scott Beers


edtech, school librarian, self efficacy


Although school librarians adapt and continue to thrive through radical changes, one in five school librarian positions are cut due to a loss of funding. One way school librarians can promote their knowledge in digital and information literacy and their skills as education leaders is to serve as educational technology (EdTech) coaches in their school community. With the influx of EdTech in schools, districts are shifting budgets and quickly adding technology-focused jobs, which leaves other positions at risk for job loss. This exploratory mixed-methods study examined the self-efficacy of school librarians to serve as EdTech coaches through the lens of the ISTE Standards for Coaches. It also measured if school librarians are interested in this work and, if so, what responsibilities they would need to eliminate to accommodate this shift in workload. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected from 311 participants via a newly-created survey instrument. The results show that school librarians had a medium to high level of self-efficacy as EdTech coaches. There was also a statistically significant difference in self-efficacy between the groups based on both qualifications and ages served. Qualitative data supported the findings and provided further information about what would need to change for school librarians to shift their work. If schools are going to benefit from the dynamic EdTech coaching model afforded by activating school librarians in this role, they will need to examine their current responsibilities, develop a culture of collaboration, facilitate a deep understanding of the various roles of the school community, and establish an inclusive leadership team that brings multiple perspectives and expertise to the table.

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