Development of an assessment for maternal incest

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Don MacDonald, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


A significant portion of sexual offenders are females, yet current treatment protocol does not accurately capture the differences in attitude, perpetrator trauma history, and presence of psychopathy for females as compared to their male sexual offender counterparts. Our research specifically looked at offenders of maternal incest, comparing our Maternal Incest Assessment to the standard Hanson Sex Attitudes Questionnaire to assess whether this new assessment better tailor's women's treatment needs. The study sample included 78 women who attended at least one intake appointment at a partnered agency who had any mentions of maternal incest sexual assault perpetration, convicted or not, and volunteered to be part of the study. The findings showed that the Maternal Incest Assessment better revealed maternal incest offenders' differing attitudes, trauma history, and psychopathy as compared to the Hanson Attitudes Questionnaire. The outcome of this research can inform new treatment protocol to better rehabilitate perpetrators of maternal incest.

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May 29th, 1:00 PM May 29th, 2:00 PM

Development of an assessment for maternal incest

A significant portion of sexual offenders are females, yet current treatment protocol does not accurately capture the differences in attitude, perpetrator trauma history, and presence of psychopathy for females as compared to their male sexual offender counterparts. Our research specifically looked at offenders of maternal incest, comparing our Maternal Incest Assessment to the standard Hanson Sex Attitudes Questionnaire to assess whether this new assessment better tailor's women's treatment needs. The study sample included 78 women who attended at least one intake appointment at a partnered agency who had any mentions of maternal incest sexual assault perpetration, convicted or not, and volunteered to be part of the study. The findings showed that the Maternal Incest Assessment better revealed maternal incest offenders' differing attitudes, trauma history, and psychopathy as compared to the Hanson Attitudes Questionnaire. The outcome of this research can inform new treatment protocol to better rehabilitate perpetrators of maternal incest.

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