Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Michael Roe, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Completed quantitative research study

Primary Department



The U.S. is an aging country in an aging world, and yet negative age-related stereotypes abound and continue among the most institutionalized of "isms." Such stereotypes in older adults are associated with poor mental and physical health. In contrast, older adults with more positive views of aging experience better mental and physical health, engage in more preventive healthy behaviors, and enjoy greater longevity. These positive aging outcomes are confirmed in the present study of independent living residents in Bayview, a retirement community in Seattle (n=41; 26 females, 14 males; ages 70-94 years). In addition, this study reports findings on such variables as perceptions of well-being, self-efficacy, social engagement, and spiritual expression. (Word count: 112)

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Copyright held by author(s).

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Psychology Commons


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May 29th, 1:00 PM May 29th, 2:00 PM

Images of aging, well-being, and life satisfaction among independently living older adults

The U.S. is an aging country in an aging world, and yet negative age-related stereotypes abound and continue among the most institutionalized of "isms." Such stereotypes in older adults are associated with poor mental and physical health. In contrast, older adults with more positive views of aging experience better mental and physical health, engage in more preventive healthy behaviors, and enjoy greater longevity. These positive aging outcomes are confirmed in the present study of independent living residents in Bayview, a retirement community in Seattle (n=41; 26 females, 14 males; ages 70-94 years). In addition, this study reports findings on such variables as perceptions of well-being, self-efficacy, social engagement, and spiritual expression. (Word count: 112)

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