Masculinity and alcohol consumption: developing a modern self-construct of masculinity in a therapeutic group setting

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Don MacDonald, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Cultural ideas of masculinity in the United States are reflected by attitudes about consumption of alcohol, same-sex expressions of affection, fatherhood, and desirable partnership qualities. As our culture increasingly values gender equality and challenges hegemonic masculinity, constructs of masculinity will shift to reflect these changes. We posit that group processes for men in a therapeutic context will foster self-constructs for men who identify as masculine and consume alcohol within our culture's emerging standards of gender equality.

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May 29th, 10:30 AM

Masculinity and alcohol consumption: developing a modern self-construct of masculinity in a therapeutic group setting

Cultural ideas of masculinity in the United States are reflected by attitudes about consumption of alcohol, same-sex expressions of affection, fatherhood, and desirable partnership qualities. As our culture increasingly values gender equality and challenges hegemonic masculinity, constructs of masculinity will shift to reflect these changes. We posit that group processes for men in a therapeutic context will foster self-constructs for men who identify as masculine and consume alcohol within our culture's emerging standards of gender equality.

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In Copyright