The role of family involvement in body image satisfaction for adolescent females in intensive outpatient eating disorder treatment

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Don MacDonald, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


The purpose of this study is to examine how family involvement impacts body image satisfaction for female adolescent patients in intensive outpatient (IOP) eating disorder (ED) treatment. 40 patients will take the Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (BSRQ) before and after IOP treatment for ED. 20 patients will require family involvement in their treatment, while the other 20 patients will not require family involvement. BSRQ scores will be compared to determine which group had higher body image satisfaction scores. For patients in IOP treatment for ED, it is hypothesized that family involvement will correlate with an increase in body image satisfaction.

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May 29th, 10:30 AM

The role of family involvement in body image satisfaction for adolescent females in intensive outpatient eating disorder treatment

The purpose of this study is to examine how family involvement impacts body image satisfaction for female adolescent patients in intensive outpatient (IOP) eating disorder (ED) treatment. 40 patients will take the Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (BSRQ) before and after IOP treatment for ED. 20 patients will require family involvement in their treatment, while the other 20 patients will not require family involvement. BSRQ scores will be compared to determine which group had higher body image satisfaction scores. For patients in IOP treatment for ED, it is hypothesized that family involvement will correlate with an increase in body image satisfaction.

Rights Statement

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