Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


This research proposal looks at the intersection of common personality traits and couples who have or plan to engage in premarital counseling or education. To test our hypothesis, we will use the 5 Factor Personality Test along with a general demographic survey. Our sample size consists of 500 couples ranging from ages 20 to 29 years old, with each couple being either engaged or already married and having participated in premarital therapy or plan to participate. Our study will provide results that can enhance clinicians’ knowledge on the different kinds of personalities that are wanting to participate in premarital counseling.

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May 27th, 1:00 PM

Premarital Therapy: Is it for everyone or certain personality types?

This research proposal looks at the intersection of common personality traits and couples who have or plan to engage in premarital counseling or education. To test our hypothesis, we will use the 5 Factor Personality Test along with a general demographic survey. Our sample size consists of 500 couples ranging from ages 20 to 29 years old, with each couple being either engaged or already married and having participated in premarital therapy or plan to participate. Our study will provide results that can enhance clinicians’ knowledge on the different kinds of personalities that are wanting to participate in premarital counseling.

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