Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Keyne Law, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Literature review

Primary Department

Clinical Psychology


Suicide reflects social values and is strongly influenced by the local culture (Farberow, 1975). Some researchers adopt an indigenous psychology approach to analyzing constructs of interest, in which the content and context of the local culture are explicitly considered (Yang, 2000). Suicide in Taiwan is associated with expectations, experiences, and consequences unique to the community. A literature review is conducted to provide an overview of the current status of suicide research and practices in Taiwan, and to assess the extent it is influenced by the indigenous psychology approach.


This poster was also presented at American Association of Suicidology

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May 27th, 1:00 PM

A literature review of suicide research and practices in Taiwan.

Suicide reflects social values and is strongly influenced by the local culture (Farberow, 1975). Some researchers adopt an indigenous psychology approach to analyzing constructs of interest, in which the content and context of the local culture are explicitly considered (Yang, 2000). Suicide in Taiwan is associated with expectations, experiences, and consequences unique to the community. A literature review is conducted to provide an overview of the current status of suicide research and practices in Taiwan, and to assess the extent it is influenced by the indigenous psychology approach.

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In Copyright

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