Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


The American law enforcement’s disproportionate maltreatment and violence against the BIPOC community has become a mainstream social issue. Since racism and discrimination have been interwoven into American society since the country’s origin it is negligent to think that differential and unfair treatment starts and ends with police. Using the data from this study we will examine the relationship between racial minority status and the rate of use of intensive interventions such as restraints and seclusion in inpatient mental health facilities. The results of this study can be used to inspire future research into how to create equity within inpatient organizations, their training, and their use of interventions. Additionally it could create a platform for equitable assessment of the use of restraints and seclusion.

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Copyright held by author(s).


May 26th, 1:00 PM

Impact of Racism on the Use of Intrusive Interventions

The American law enforcement’s disproportionate maltreatment and violence against the BIPOC community has become a mainstream social issue. Since racism and discrimination have been interwoven into American society since the country’s origin it is negligent to think that differential and unfair treatment starts and ends with police. Using the data from this study we will examine the relationship between racial minority status and the rate of use of intensive interventions such as restraints and seclusion in inpatient mental health facilities. The results of this study can be used to inspire future research into how to create equity within inpatient organizations, their training, and their use of interventions. Additionally it could create a platform for equitable assessment of the use of restraints and seclusion.

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In Copyright

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