Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Brittany Tausen

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research in progress

Primary Department



Our study employed a 2 (morality: high vs. low) x 2 (warmth: high vs. low) between participants' design to test the boundary conditions of vicarious contact to improve perceptions of individuals experiencing homelessness. Participants were randomly assigned to a condition where they learned about an in-group member's character before reading about a positive encounter the in-group member had with an individual experiencing homelessness. Following the vicarious contact, participants completed a dehumanization measure. Data analysis will be utilized to investigate whether vicarious contact through any in-group member is effective, or if the in-group member must be perceived positively.


This poster was also presented at Eastern Washington University Psychology Student Research Conference, Virtual, May 2021.

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Psychology Commons


May 26th, 1:00 PM

Exploring Warmth and Morality as a Boundary Condition of Vicarious Contact

Our study employed a 2 (morality: high vs. low) x 2 (warmth: high vs. low) between participants' design to test the boundary conditions of vicarious contact to improve perceptions of individuals experiencing homelessness. Participants were randomly assigned to a condition where they learned about an in-group member's character before reading about a positive encounter the in-group member had with an individual experiencing homelessness. Following the vicarious contact, participants completed a dehumanization measure. Data analysis will be utilized to investigate whether vicarious contact through any in-group member is effective, or if the in-group member must be perceived positively.

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