Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


This study aims to explore the effect that expressive writing could have as an intervention for improving self-compassion, anxiety, depression, and stress associated with relational distress in a therapeutic environment. Participants will be split into two groups, and both will attend therapy with a focus on a relational problem in their life. The control group will receive 8 talk therapy sessions, while the intervention group will receive 5 talk therapy sessions and 3 sessions focusing on an expressive writing assignment. Participants will be screened for recent traumatic events, will need to be over the age of 18, and will need to be open to discussing their problems related to anxiety, depression, stress, self-compassion, and relational distress with a therapist. Participants will be asked to complete various measures prior to the treatment, after the final therapy session, and again at a later time to identify whether the treatment has longer-term effects.

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May 26th, 1:00 PM

They Used Expressive Writing with their Therapist

This study aims to explore the effect that expressive writing could have as an intervention for improving self-compassion, anxiety, depression, and stress associated with relational distress in a therapeutic environment. Participants will be split into two groups, and both will attend therapy with a focus on a relational problem in their life. The control group will receive 8 talk therapy sessions, while the intervention group will receive 5 talk therapy sessions and 3 sessions focusing on an expressive writing assignment. Participants will be screened for recent traumatic events, will need to be over the age of 18, and will need to be open to discussing their problems related to anxiety, depression, stress, self-compassion, and relational distress with a therapist. Participants will be asked to complete various measures prior to the treatment, after the final therapy session, and again at a later time to identify whether the treatment has longer-term effects.

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