Moderating roles of grit and locus of control on rumination and suicidality

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Keyne Law

Presentation Type


Project Type

Completed quantitative research study

Primary Department

Clinical Psychology


The current study seeks to explore the moderating roles of grit and locus of control on the associations between anger and depressive rumination, and suicide risk. Results revealed that rather than working together, the proposed constructs are more informative in distinguishing those with a history of suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, or neither, individually. Findings provide unique contribution to the suicide literature pertaining to the protective roles of an internal locus of control and supplements existing mixed findings on the role of grit in suicidality.


This poster was also presented at American Association of Suicidology, virtual, April 2021

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May 26th, 10:00 AM

Moderating roles of grit and locus of control on rumination and suicidality

The current study seeks to explore the moderating roles of grit and locus of control on the associations between anger and depressive rumination, and suicide risk. Results revealed that rather than working together, the proposed constructs are more informative in distinguishing those with a history of suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts, or neither, individually. Findings provide unique contribution to the suicide literature pertaining to the protective roles of an internal locus of control and supplements existing mixed findings on the role of grit in suicidality.

Rights Statement

In Copyright