Seals of approval: Impact of a Northern fur seal introduction on visitor and seal activity

Faculty-Student Collaboration


Faculty Sponsor(s)

Baine Craft and Eduardo Fernandez

Presentation Type


Primary Department



This study sought to examine Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIs) through a new animal introduction. The introduction of a new animal into the Northern fur seal exhibit at the Seattle Aquarium poses a beneficial opportunity to study the impact on the existing animals in the exhibit, as well as visitor behaviors. Five classes of animal behaviors were observed – Active, Inactive, Social, Stereotypy and Other. Visitor crowd size and length of stay were also recorded. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of a new interaction of visitors and fur seal activity.

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May 25th, 11:00 AM

Seals of approval: Impact of a Northern fur seal introduction on visitor and seal activity

This study sought to examine Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIs) through a new animal introduction. The introduction of a new animal into the Northern fur seal exhibit at the Seattle Aquarium poses a beneficial opportunity to study the impact on the existing animals in the exhibit, as well as visitor behaviors. Five classes of animal behaviors were observed – Active, Inactive, Social, Stereotypy and Other. Visitor crowd size and length of stay were also recorded. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of a new interaction of visitors and fur seal activity.

Rights Statement

In Copyright