Leadership style effect on burnout: An analysis of servant, ethical, and transformational leadership

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Joey Collins

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Primary Department

Industrial-Organizational Psychology


Whether it’s exhaustion, overload, or stress – work burnout does happen. Luckily, leaders can actively reduce their employees’ burnout levels through various leadership style tactics. This analysis examines three leadership styles’ effects on worker burnout: Servant, ethical, and transformational. Results show that servant leadership generates trust and increases employee productivity, ethical leadership promotes fairness and equity, and transformational leadership promotes intrinsic motivation for employees. Overall, each leadership style provides a unique perspective to mitigate burnout. Leaders can adopt these different leadership styles to find what works best for their organization.

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May 25th, 1:00 PM

Leadership style effect on burnout: An analysis of servant, ethical, and transformational leadership

Whether it’s exhaustion, overload, or stress – work burnout does happen. Luckily, leaders can actively reduce their employees’ burnout levels through various leadership style tactics. This analysis examines three leadership styles’ effects on worker burnout: Servant, ethical, and transformational. Results show that servant leadership generates trust and increases employee productivity, ethical leadership promotes fairness and equity, and transformational leadership promotes intrinsic motivation for employees. Overall, each leadership style provides a unique perspective to mitigate burnout. Leaders can adopt these different leadership styles to find what works best for their organization.

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