Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


This study aims to explore the relationship between mothers heavily involved with diet culture and potential disordered eating behaviors in their daughters. Previous research has focused on food restricting mothers and their children’s relationships with food. However, this study seeks to examine diet culture as a whole and the impact placed on the secondary participants of it: daughters of mothers involved. Using surveys to indicate a mother’s involvement in diet culture as well as eating disorder behaviors, our study will involve mother and adult daughter dyads with quantitative methods. This research is conducted with the hope that there can be a deeper understanding of the relationship between daughters ’behaviors with food and the impact of their mother’s mindset.

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May 25th, 2:30 PM

A gift from my mother: Diet culture’s influence on daughters

This study aims to explore the relationship between mothers heavily involved with diet culture and potential disordered eating behaviors in their daughters. Previous research has focused on food restricting mothers and their children’s relationships with food. However, this study seeks to examine diet culture as a whole and the impact placed on the secondary participants of it: daughters of mothers involved. Using surveys to indicate a mother’s involvement in diet culture as well as eating disorder behaviors, our study will involve mother and adult daughter dyads with quantitative methods. This research is conducted with the hope that there can be a deeper understanding of the relationship between daughters ’behaviors with food and the impact of their mother’s mindset.

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