Reward Quality Effects on the Discounting of Risky Choices

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Delay discounting describes changes in a forager’s preference for reward amounts when delay is altered. For example, as delay increases, rewards are less preferred or valued. While discounting studies have investigated the effects of a change in delay on reward amount preference, no studies have determined if reward quality influences discounting rates when rewards are risky in return. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of reward quality on discounting when risk is involved. We expect that discounting rates will be different when choices involve a high-quality reward (100% sucrose) compared to a low-quality reward (20% sucrose).

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May 25th, 11:00 AM

Reward Quality Effects on the Discounting of Risky Choices

Delay discounting describes changes in a forager’s preference for reward amounts when delay is altered. For example, as delay increases, rewards are less preferred or valued. While discounting studies have investigated the effects of a change in delay on reward amount preference, no studies have determined if reward quality influences discounting rates when rewards are risky in return. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of reward quality on discounting when risk is involved. We expect that discounting rates will be different when choices involve a high-quality reward (100% sucrose) compared to a low-quality reward (20% sucrose).

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