Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Since the modern era began, humanity has seen a stark increase in mass shootings, where four or more people are killed. Furthermore, many of the shootings occur in vulnerable communities, like schools. With an increase in school shootings, schools have taken precautions to prepare children, using increased security, school police officers, lockdown drills, and restricting children’s clothing, which is intended to keep children safe, but reinforces the fear of shootings and associated stress responses. Our research would examine the impact of surviving and preparing for school shootings on the anxiety, depression, and general functioning of children, adolescents, and young adults.

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May 31st, 10:00 AM

School shootings and preventative strategies: An examination of surviving, learning, and preparing for school shootings' impact on the depression, anxiety, and behavioral dysfunction of children and adolescents.

Since the modern era began, humanity has seen a stark increase in mass shootings, where four or more people are killed. Furthermore, many of the shootings occur in vulnerable communities, like schools. With an increase in school shootings, schools have taken precautions to prepare children, using increased security, school police officers, lockdown drills, and restricting children’s clothing, which is intended to keep children safe, but reinforces the fear of shootings and associated stress responses. Our research would examine the impact of surviving and preparing for school shootings on the anxiety, depression, and general functioning of children, adolescents, and young adults.

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