Presentation Type
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Research in progress
Primary Department
Media distractions constantly break our attention. In previous research, students attempted to multitask during a five min PowerPoint presentation. The results revealed that participants who did not multitask completed the tasks better than those who did multitask. From these findings, further research designed to study the effects of multitasking on learning is warranted. Therefore, the proposed study consisted of examining the effects of multitasking on memory among college students while simulating texting during a video lecture. The results of the study will provide insight into college students’ ability to divide their attention between content on their devices and class lectures.
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Texting during lecture...maybe or maybe not?
Media distractions constantly break our attention. In previous research, students attempted to multitask during a five min PowerPoint presentation. The results revealed that participants who did not multitask completed the tasks better than those who did multitask. From these findings, further research designed to study the effects of multitasking on learning is warranted. Therefore, the proposed study consisted of examining the effects of multitasking on memory among college students while simulating texting during a video lecture. The results of the study will provide insight into college students’ ability to divide their attention between content on their devices and class lectures.