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Project Type

Completed quantitative research study

Primary Department



Disordered eating (DE) has previously been associated with distress tolerance (DT) in emerging adults. Additionally, helicopter parenting has predicted DT and been linked to DE. The current study investigated the relationship between maternal (MHP) and paternal (PHP) helicopter parenting, DT, and DE in emerging adults. Analyses indicated DT mediates both MHP and PHP’s relationship with DE, βM = 0.02, 95% CIM[0.01, 0.05], βP = 0.03, 95% CIP[0.01, 0.06] in a sample of female undergraduate students. While previous research found connections between similar variables separately, this study is the first to the authors’ knowledge that found DT mediates this relationship.


This poster was also presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA, April 2023

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Psychology Commons


May 31st, 12:30 PM

Distress tolerance mediates the relationship between maternal and paternal helicopter parenting and disordered eating among female emerging adults

Disordered eating (DE) has previously been associated with distress tolerance (DT) in emerging adults. Additionally, helicopter parenting has predicted DT and been linked to DE. The current study investigated the relationship between maternal (MHP) and paternal (PHP) helicopter parenting, DT, and DE in emerging adults. Analyses indicated DT mediates both MHP and PHP’s relationship with DE, βM = 0.02, 95% CIM[0.01, 0.05], βP = 0.03, 95% CIP[0.01, 0.06] in a sample of female undergraduate students. While previous research found connections between similar variables separately, this study is the first to the authors’ knowledge that found DT mediates this relationship.

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