Efficacy of SFBT on treating attachment wounds in Latinx children separated from parents during migration process

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


This study aims to explore the effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) on treating attachment wounds in the relationship of Latinx children and their parents after being separated during the migration process. To accomplish that, a randomized controlled trial will be completed, with participants being randomized to either received 12 SFBT sessions conducted across 3 months or the standard treatment (CBT). Participants will complete a pre-test, immediate post-test, 3- and 12-month follow up to measure effectiveness. We hypothesize that SFBT will be efficacious in improving these relationships.

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May 29th, 10:00 AM May 29th, 11:00 AM

Efficacy of SFBT on treating attachment wounds in Latinx children separated from parents during migration process

This study aims to explore the effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) on treating attachment wounds in the relationship of Latinx children and their parents after being separated during the migration process. To accomplish that, a randomized controlled trial will be completed, with participants being randomized to either received 12 SFBT sessions conducted across 3 months or the standard treatment (CBT). Participants will complete a pre-test, immediate post-test, 3- and 12-month follow up to measure effectiveness. We hypothesize that SFBT will be efficacious in improving these relationships.

Rights Statement

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