Opposite-gender sibling attachment and substance abuse: Family closeness and intervention in therapy.

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


According to current research, adolescents are experiencing a greater relative increase in overdose mortality than the overall population (Friedman et al., 2020). Past research suggests that closeness between siblings may facilitate risky behavior or serve as a protective factor for engaging in substance use. Little research has been done to investigate the role of securely attached sibling relationships and its impact on substance use. This has clinical significance for systems-oriented therapists that encounter family cases in which sibling relationships play a key role. This study aims to understand the impact of attachment between opposite-gender sibling pairs on adolescent substance use, as well as inform the development of targeted interventions, such as enactments, aimed at increasing closeness and emotional safety between siblings.

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May 29th, 10:00 AM May 29th, 11:00 AM

Opposite-gender sibling attachment and substance abuse: Family closeness and intervention in therapy.

According to current research, adolescents are experiencing a greater relative increase in overdose mortality than the overall population (Friedman et al., 2020). Past research suggests that closeness between siblings may facilitate risky behavior or serve as a protective factor for engaging in substance use. Little research has been done to investigate the role of securely attached sibling relationships and its impact on substance use. This has clinical significance for systems-oriented therapists that encounter family cases in which sibling relationships play a key role. This study aims to understand the impact of attachment between opposite-gender sibling pairs on adolescent substance use, as well as inform the development of targeted interventions, such as enactments, aimed at increasing closeness and emotional safety between siblings.

Rights Statement

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