Efficacy of internal family systems coaching exercises on perceived levels of self-leadership in the workplace

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Peter Rivera, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Project Type

Research proposal

Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


This study investigates the efficacy of Internal Family Systems (IFS) coaching exercises on perceived levels of Self-leadership in the workplace. Self-leadership, the ability to influence one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to achieve personal and professional goals, is essential for individual and organizational success (Schwartz & Sweezy, 2019). This research employs a quantitative approach to examine the impact of IFS coaching exercises on Self-leadership perceptions among employees in an organizational setting. Participants engage in structured exercises designed to identify internal parts and develop a cohesive sense of Self-leadership. Quantitative analyses assess changes in Self-leadership perceptions before and after the intervention, utilizing validated scales such as the Self-Leadership Scale. Implications for organizational development and employee well-being are discussed, emphasizing the potential of IFS coaching to foster a culture of Self-leadership in the workplace.

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May 29th, 12:30 PM May 29th, 1:30 PM

Efficacy of internal family systems coaching exercises on perceived levels of self-leadership in the workplace

This study investigates the efficacy of Internal Family Systems (IFS) coaching exercises on perceived levels of Self-leadership in the workplace. Self-leadership, the ability to influence one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to achieve personal and professional goals, is essential for individual and organizational success (Schwartz & Sweezy, 2019). This research employs a quantitative approach to examine the impact of IFS coaching exercises on Self-leadership perceptions among employees in an organizational setting. Participants engage in structured exercises designed to identify internal parts and develop a cohesive sense of Self-leadership. Quantitative analyses assess changes in Self-leadership perceptions before and after the intervention, utilizing validated scales such as the Self-Leadership Scale. Implications for organizational development and employee well-being are discussed, emphasizing the potential of IFS coaching to foster a culture of Self-leadership in the workplace.

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In Copyright