Seattle Pacific Seminary, the graduate professional program of the SPU School of Theology, is is an “Accredited Member” of the Association of Theological Schools.  Of the degrees it offers, the following require (in the case of the M.Div., allow for) a thesis:  the M.Div., the M.A. (Christian Scripture), and the M.A. (Christian Studies).

This series contains approved master’s theses.  For approved master's projects, go here.


Theses from 2024


The Bourgeoisie Black Church: An Analysis of the American Black Church's Aspirations and Imagination, Alexander Robert Booker


Re-Examining What I Have Been Taught about Ruth and Naomi as an Asian and Asian American Woman: A Re-Reading of Ruth through a Postcolonial Womanist Lens That Calls Asian and Asian American Christians to the Ministry of Reconciliation and Biblical Justice, Eunice Lin-Sawyer


Chaplaincy & Medical Family Therapy: Christian Witness to Presence, Incarnation, and Hospitality in the Pacific Northwest, R. Fraser Reach

Theses from 2022


Address of the Warrioress: Old Testament Warfare and Women's Role in Wartime Role in w, Madeline Ruby Nielsen


'You Have Smitten Me with Yearning': Towards a Queer Eastern Orthodox Christology, Micah Lazarus Orrin Wilger

Theses from 2021


Understanding Sexual Abuse and Redemption of Persons with Sexual Abuse History through the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, Nag Chi Wong

Theses from 2020


'We Were Hoping': The Emmaus Road Encounter As a Novel Approach to Faith-Science Dialogue, Harold A. Laurence V

Theses from 2019


Andraé Edward Crouch's Musical and Theological Pursuits: An Analysis of Three Pieces from the Just Andraé Album, Stephen Michael Newby

Theses from 2018


Belong, Become, Believe: A New Model for Children's Ministry Building toward a Holistic Vision of Discipleship and Diversity in Multi-Ethnic Children's Ministry, Katey Hage


In Defense of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Believer: A Presbyterian Perspective, Geoffrey K. Wanyoike


Postcolonial Discipleship: Movement, Genius, and Uncertainty: Explorations in Contemporary 'Korean American' Theological Discourse, Michael Sungjoon Won

Theses from 2017


The Communication of Limits: Christ, the Communicatio Idiomatum, and the Identity of People with Disabilities, Kendrick Barnes


'What Do You Want Me to Do for You?': Request and Relinquishment in Mark 10:35-52, Rebeccah Kay Buell


Jesus-Immanuel: Matthew's Narrative Christology of Divine Presence, Jacob Michael Carlson


Evangelism and the Work of Discipline in Congolese Perspective: 'Evangelism in Congolese Context', Zalema Kuedituka


Shaped By Calling: Establishing a Healthy Trajectory for Discipleship, Chuck J. Shocki

Theses from 2016


Spiritual Formation of Young Adults in China: A Case Study of Protagonists in Boxers and Saints, Xu Bian


Mary a Woman: Sex and Situation in the Incarnation, Sarah Marie Keough


Setting God's 'Welcome Table': Images of the Church for an Inclusive Ecclesiology, Katherine V. Stats

Theses from 2015


The Richest Legacy: Recovering the Lord's Supper as a Means of Grace in the Free Methodist Church USA, Jarad L. Bivins


'Who Are You?' Reading and Judging Character in Genesis 26:34-28:9, Nathaniel Q. Hoover


Eucharistic Undoings: Ecstatic Participation and Divine Incorporation in the Spirit, Natalie S. Johnson


'The Pain of Being Faithful to the Word of the LORD': An Exegetical Study of Jeremiah's Confessions, Rebekah J. Lindberg

Theses from 2014


Appropriating the Principles of L'Arche for the Transformation of Church Curricula, Nathan Goldbloom


Responses to a Sunday School Curriculum on Mental Illness in the Church, Megan M. Hamshar


'To Open Eyes That Are Blind . . . ' [Isa 42:7]: Senses, Idolatry, and Unity in Isaiah, Kelsie Job


'Whence This Evil?' A Critical Assessment of (Anti)Theodicy and Innocent Suffering in Lamentations 3, Mark P. Stone

Theses from 2013


A Divine Community of Priests and Prophets: The Priesthood and Prophethood of All Believers Motifs Considered through Incorporated Trinitarianism, Raoul T. Perez

Theses from 2011


Catechesis for a Practicing Church, Jim Fox


Eutychus in Acts and in the Church: The Narrative Significance of Acts 20:6-12, Julie A. Glavic


Paul, the Athenians, and the Breath of Life: Acts 17:22-31, William Russell Horst