"Responding to edTPA Transforming Practice or Applying Shortcuts" by David Denton

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edTPA, performance assessment, reform, strategies, teacher education


Some states have used new teacher performance assessments in an attempt to improve teacher quality for more than two decades. New teacher performance assessments include performance expectations, scoring rubrics, and writing prompts, which are organized into subject-specific handbooks. Teacher candidates completing performance assessments assemble portfolios comprised of teaching artifacts and writing commentary. Early performance assessments focused on growth and professional development. EdTPA is the newest teacher performance assessment and it has been adopted by 24 states. Unlike previous new teacher performance assessments, stakeholders at various levels are using edTPA for credentialing and accountability purposes. The high-stakes features of edTPA may encourage use of strategies misaligned with the goal of improving new teacher effectiveness. Results from a case study show that candidates can apply strategies for earning points on edTPA. Although many of the strategies are connected to educational theory and practice, others are meant to earn points and simplify portfolio assembly.

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