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Diversity Lectures


Diversity Lectures, video, OIEX


Last year, the Office of Inclusive Excellence launched the annual diversity lecture to bring thought leaders to campus who can inspire and challenge us to engage the theological, cultural, and institutional aspects of this work. This annual event is part of a larger effort to establish community rhythms that focus on learning together and living into our diversity commitments as a university.

As we explore this year’s theme, “Justice and Shalom,” we seek to:

  • practice grace-filled and spirit-led intercultural and ecumenical listening and, in doing so, seek a full understanding of God's vision of Shalom for all people and all creation.
  • explore the role of Christian orthodoxy, orthopraxy, and orthopathy in the work of justice.
  • expand our imagination of what can be different coming out of this pandemic time and find application for our Gospel hope.

Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon

Executive Director, Churches for Middle East Peace; Author, Beyond Hashtag Activism: Comprehensive Justice in a Complicated Age (2020) maecannon.com

Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim

Professor of Theology, Earlham School of Religion; Author, Hope in Disarray: Piecing Our Lives Together in Faith (2020) gracejisunkim.wordpress.com

Dr. Randy Woodley

Distinguished Professor of Faith and Culture; Director of Intercultural and Indigenous Studies, Portland Seminary, George Fox University; Author, Decolonizing Evangelicalism: An 11:59 p.m. Conversation (2020) randywoodley.com

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