Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2022

Document Type

Honors Project

University Scholars Director

Christine Chaney

First Advisor/Committee Member

Chuck Strawn

Second Advisor/Committee Member

Tom Amorose


homelessness, women, mothers, sexual assault, domestic violence, gender disparities, pregnancy, abortion, education, cycles, educational institutions


An analysis of homelessness with particular attention to King County and a focus on single women. This paper aims to address gender disparities in housing prioritization and homeless reduction solutions while suggesting gender-conscious policies and programs. The current system of housing prioritization is aiming to be neutral; yet it falls to the side of white, cisgender, heterosexual men. Single women without children have specific needs that are not met because the absence of children in their lives makes them insignificant, which feeds into the cyclical nature of chronic homelessness. By analyzing the specific pathways that women take into homelessness, this paper highlights innovative approaches towards a long-term solution to the homeless crisis. This paper also advocates for a community-based approach targeted towards single women, urging educational institutions to step into the picture.

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