Date of Award

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type

Honors Project

University Scholars Director

Dr. Joshua Tom

First Advisor/Committee Member

Dr. Kristine Mensonides-Gritter


writing pedagogy, dialect, writing rubrics, black language, peer feedback


This article adapts Peter Elbow’s framework for the teacherless writing classroom laid out in Writing Without Teachers for two purposes: first, to create a standardized means of measurement along new axes for use in writing rubrics and, second, to be more accommodating to nonformal English dialects. As writing pedagogy makes moves to be more understanding of the breadth of voices, typical rubric guidelines display an outdated understanding of the essay as a format. Elbow’s depiction of scholarly writing as an exploration of the self allows for a new grading paradigm to surface, one that reinforces academic English as a standard while giving permission for students to interact with, and rebel against, that standard.

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