Exploring the Impact of Length of Residence in the United States on Parent-Child Conflict within Multigenerational Arab American Families


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Date of Award

Summer 8-1-2024

Document Type

Applied Project

Degree Name

Master of Science in Research Psychology (MS)




Dr. Jenny Lee Vaydich

Second Reader

Dr. Jessica Fossum


Arab American, cultural psychology, family research, parent-child conflict, second-generation, immigrant


Arab American families are some of the most understudied populations in psychology. For this reason we have presented a present study that examines the relationship between time spent living in the United States and parent-child conflict in multigenerational Arab-American families. Caregivers and their children will complete a survey that measures parent-child conflict, acculturative family distancing. This includes a qualitative section discussing culture-specific triggers for conflict in their families. There is currently no data for this on Arab-Americans, but prior research with other ethnicities did not find a relationship between our variables. We hypothesize that there is a positive relationship between time spent in the US and parent-child conflict, with varying levels of conflict across generations.

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