"Mouth Care is Self-Care" by Abigail Waunch, Katelynn Huot et al.

Publication Date

Winter 3-8-2023

Item Type


Executive Summary

In February of 2023, six Seattle Pacific University (SPU) nursing students partnered with a Seattle rehab agency to deliver mouth care education while prioritizing the health literacy level of the community. The agency aims to foster an inclusive and empathetic environment that builds a diverse community for those traumatized by homelessness, addiction, and mental health (Recovery Café, n.d.). The nursing group upheld the agency's mission with honor and respect during each project step. The special projects manager of the agency expressed a lack of health literacy among members. Tailoring health literacy to the appropriate education level has significantly improved dental and oral health (Stein et al., 2018). Through assessments, students determined a need for education and support regarding oral hygiene and created the project motto: "Mouth care is self-care; taking care of one's mouth is caring for one's overall health" (Appendix G). This project required collaborative effort in using critical thinking skills to execute the nursing process and deliver appropriate information.

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