LOL: The therapeutic influence of laughter

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Scott Edwards, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Best medicine or collusion? The role of laughter in therapy is debated: an inappropriate tool used to collude with clients or a powerful tool used for joining? This study investigates the influence of shared laughter on clients' perceptions of the therapeutic alliance and therapeutic outcomes. Statistical analyses will examine client self-report outcome measures and observational data to determine the interaction between duration of shared laughter and clients' ratings on two outcome scales. We hope to find the higher the duration of shared laughter, the more positive the ratings on the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic outcome scales.

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May 31st, 1:00 PM May 31st, 2:00 PM

LOL: The therapeutic influence of laughter

Best medicine or collusion? The role of laughter in therapy is debated: an inappropriate tool used to collude with clients or a powerful tool used for joining? This study investigates the influence of shared laughter on clients' perceptions of the therapeutic alliance and therapeutic outcomes. Statistical analyses will examine client self-report outcome measures and observational data to determine the interaction between duration of shared laughter and clients' ratings on two outcome scales. We hope to find the higher the duration of shared laughter, the more positive the ratings on the therapeutic relationship and therapeutic outcome scales.

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In Copyright