Long distance relationships: Effects on commitment level based on satisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Scott Edwards, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


This study will investigate three factors that impact commitment level, or degree to which one intends to persist, in long distance relationships. Data from 100 undergraduate student participants, classified as being in long distance relationships, will be collected. Using ANOVAs, commitment level in long distance relationships will be examined as impacted by satisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size. We hypothesize a positive correlation between all factors, and specifically, investment size and satisfaction level as being more impactful on commitment level than quality of alternatives. Results may indicate specific main effects and interactions. Clinical implications will be included.

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May 31st, 1:00 PM May 31st, 2:00 PM

Long distance relationships: Effects on commitment level based on satisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size

This study will investigate three factors that impact commitment level, or degree to which one intends to persist, in long distance relationships. Data from 100 undergraduate student participants, classified as being in long distance relationships, will be collected. Using ANOVAs, commitment level in long distance relationships will be examined as impacted by satisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size. We hypothesize a positive correlation between all factors, and specifically, investment size and satisfaction level as being more impactful on commitment level than quality of alternatives. Results may indicate specific main effects and interactions. Clinical implications will be included.

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