Impact of a therapy dog with elementary school children on behavior regulation outcomes.

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Scott Edwards, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


Previous research has shown animal-assisted therapy to be effective at creating more sustained focus for learning disabled children in therapy. This proposal examines the effectiveness of therapy dogs in the treatment of dysregulated behaviors for children ages six to eleven. Through a true experimental design, participants will randomly be in either a control or treatment group consisting of 12 therapy sessions with a therapy dog present. Pre- and post-assessments (Teacher Questionnaire, Social Skills Rating System, and Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist) from teachers and caregivers will be analyzed to determine impact on behavioral regulation outcomes.

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May 31st, 1:00 PM May 31st, 2:00 PM

Impact of a therapy dog with elementary school children on behavior regulation outcomes.

Previous research has shown animal-assisted therapy to be effective at creating more sustained focus for learning disabled children in therapy. This proposal examines the effectiveness of therapy dogs in the treatment of dysregulated behaviors for children ages six to eleven. Through a true experimental design, participants will randomly be in either a control or treatment group consisting of 12 therapy sessions with a therapy dog present. Pre- and post-assessments (Teacher Questionnaire, Social Skills Rating System, and Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist) from teachers and caregivers will be analyzed to determine impact on behavioral regulation outcomes.

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