Mindfulness techniques and reducing anxiety in adolescents

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Scott Edwards, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


There is widespread enthusiasm for mindfulness techniques (such as controlled breathing and meditation) in supporting wellness. Research indicates that MTs can decrease anxiety symptoms in adults while research with youth is sparse. This study will examine the impact of teaching MTs on perceived intensity of anxiety symptoms. The Learning to BREATHE curriculum will be used to teach MTs to 90 adolescents ages 12-14. Participants will be placed randomly in control and treatment groups for weekly sessions over 6 weeks. Pre and post treatment measures of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale (MASC) will be obtained with an ANOVA used to analyze data.

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May 31st, 10:00 AM May 31st, 11:00 AM

Mindfulness techniques and reducing anxiety in adolescents

There is widespread enthusiasm for mindfulness techniques (such as controlled breathing and meditation) in supporting wellness. Research indicates that MTs can decrease anxiety symptoms in adults while research with youth is sparse. This study will examine the impact of teaching MTs on perceived intensity of anxiety symptoms. The Learning to BREATHE curriculum will be used to teach MTs to 90 adolescents ages 12-14. Participants will be placed randomly in control and treatment groups for weekly sessions over 6 weeks. Pre and post treatment measures of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale (MASC) will be obtained with an ANOVA used to analyze data.

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