Narrative therapy-assisted psilocybin use for treatment of depression

Faculty Sponsor(s)

Scott Edwards, Ph.D.

Presentation Type


Primary Department

Marriage and Family Therapy


There is recent renewed interest in use of psychedelic drugs for treatment of psychiatric disorders, including serotonin agonists such as psilocybin, potentially providing a new approach to treatment. I hypothesize use of psilocybin in conjunction with narrative therapy will produce a substantial impact on symptoms of depression. Using a true experimental design, I will compare the influence of therapy-assisted psilocybin to treat depression against a control group, therapy-only treatment, and psilocybin-only treatment over the course of two months. The Beck Depression Index will be used at the beginning and end of the trial, with regression used for data analysis

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May 31st, 10:00 AM May 31st, 11:00 AM

Narrative therapy-assisted psilocybin use for treatment of depression

There is recent renewed interest in use of psychedelic drugs for treatment of psychiatric disorders, including serotonin agonists such as psilocybin, potentially providing a new approach to treatment. I hypothesize use of psilocybin in conjunction with narrative therapy will produce a substantial impact on symptoms of depression. Using a true experimental design, I will compare the influence of therapy-assisted psilocybin to treat depression against a control group, therapy-only treatment, and psilocybin-only treatment over the course of two months. The Beck Depression Index will be used at the beginning and end of the trial, with regression used for data analysis

Rights Statement

In Copyright